THIRTY-SIX ; wedding bells

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( Chapter Thirty-Six )


real life ft. Diana !

"To the groom and bride!"

"Cheers! I shouted in union with about a  hundred other people. "Don't they just look so happy," I gushed. 

Liam glanced over at Clodagh and Paul, the newlyweds, "They do, don't they. I've never been to a wedding before, so this is all such a first."

"Me either, it's all so happy," I told Liam. "Do you think they will last? Like the vows say, 'till death do us part'?"

"I mean, have you seen how they look at each other. What they have is a once in a lifetime romance. I would be lucky to have somebody look at me like that."  

"Do you mean you don't see you and Danelle lasting until that point?" I asked as I twisted my chopsticks around my hands. 

The food was incredible even though I was 100% convinced they would be serving traditional Irish food such as corned beef or even cabbage, but instead, there was a huge table filled with a variety of different styles of foods. I ended up filling my plate up with raw sushi and white rice.

There was plenty of beer though, good thing too or else there would certainly be a lot of furious Irish men in one room. 

"Honestly Mich, I have no idea," He signed into his hands. I placed my hand onto his back and moved it in a circle motion, trying to comfort him. "I love her. I really do. Nevertheless, I really don't see us spending the rest of our lives together." He lifted his head from his hands and gave me a smile. 

"It was a stupid question anyway, we are too young to be thinking about that type of stuff anyway," I gave his hand a squeeze, going back to eating my dinner. "I don't see myself marrying Robin either, right now at least. He is an angel, truly, but we've only been dating for a month. I'm still thinking about our next date let alone anything further." 

Liam nodded his head in agreement, "Exactly. There's no point in rushing, we have our whole lives in front of us." 

I picked up my almost empty beer from the table, finishing it off. After I placed it back down on the table I noticed that only one of the boys who were still at our table was Zayn, who was preoccupied with one of Pauls' older aunts or second cousins, whose name I believed to be Maggie. It was getting rather hard keeping up with both sides of the family. 

I must have already forgotten half of their names in the last couple of hours of knowing them. 

"Have you seen Niall, Louis, or Harry?" I asked Liam. 

He shook his head, doing a quick scan of our general area, "No can't say I have. I could have sworn Louis said he was going to go to the bathroom but that was almost 45 minutes ago." 

I looked down at my watch and saw that he was right, the big hand was at the 7 while the small one was on the 4. I sighed, "Well, I'm going to get another beer. Want anything? Liam? Zayn? Maggie?"

Zayn and Maggie both said no, while Liam asked for another glass of white wine. "I'll be right back."

I stood up from the table and smoothed down the wrinkles of my light green dress. I maneuvered my way around the mostly intoxicated swarm of guests, making my way towards the bar. 

"Hi, can I get one Guinness and one white wine?" I asked the busy bartender. He looks to be a little older than me, he was probably around Louis age.

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