Chapter 45

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Author's PoV~

It's been a week since Elyan started this routine of drinking in a bar and crippling her people one after another after working hours.

Tonight is no exception.

She's sitting comfortably inside a large private room, her head is leaning on her fist while her other hand is tapping the glass of wine, thinking about how Lu Yu Shen broke down all her barriers but didn't took responsibility of her heart.

Her face gets darker and darker, while all the people under her command is shaking uncontrollably.

Is she planning to kill us all? Then why don't she f*ckin' shoot us than torture us like this?! A low ranking man thought to himself.

Yes, every night is like a torture to them.


The man she called immediately went down to his knees, his whole body trembling. Infact, he's not the only one, everybody is clearly trembling aside from Cai, Kissy and the blankpink girls.

Aquilles' and Zen's hands have bandages up to their elbows, they had several dislocated bones after being chosen by Elyan the other night.

Cai on the other hand knows almost all kinds of martial arts, plus his experience and agility, Elyan is far behind him so he didn't suffer from any injury.

Elyan creased her brows at the sight of the coward man, "What's your use in my team? I can see that if you ran into an enemy who pointed a gun at you, you won't hesitate to betray me just to save your life. Coward."

Useless. That's the exact term.

"Cai, Aquilles and Zen, unemploy all these weaklings. They might bring us to our grave sooner than we think."

"Yes, Master." The three of them answered in chorus.

Elyan drank the remaining wine in her glass, then she felt the world spinning. All the words that Lu Yu Shen used to console that idiotic bouncing boobs came back to her like a recorder.

Her eyes dimmed and her aura became demonic.

"Girl, calm down okay? I requested some maki, ramen and siomai, it'll be here in no time." Kissy tried to smoothen the situation, but the tremendous force from her friend says that she doesn't care. She's being controlled by her emotions again, Alzen guy, where are you?! She panicked in her mind.

The little devil stood up with a smirk, then she grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it on one of her men.

Aquilles secretly pushed the man, so the bottle came crashing to the ground without hitting anyone.

The next thing happened too fast for the human's eye, Elyan leaped towards the men and fought them all at once.

The men fought back, they know very well that avoiding her attacks will bring them to more danger, so this is the best solution.

The girl's speed improved a lot after continuously doing this "training" for a week now.

Her kicks took down several men, some are crawling away, while some can't even attack because of Elyan's quick reflexes.

In the midst of their "training" footsteps from the outside reached the door, the little devil's keen ears heard it, so she immediately sat down directly to the floor looking like a little unharmful pet.

Alzen entered the room and felt quite amused to find Elyan sitting on the floor while her men are all standing around her. He even caught some of them who was about to kick her from the back, thankfully his arrival made them stopped.

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