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Character: Lovino Varagas/ South Italy Romano


The day was relatively warm. A gentle breeze blew through the streets, caressing all the people who were outside with gentle touch.

Spanish store venders were selling their products, and people talked, it was perfect.

The sky was blue, clouds stretching across it, but overall it was nice.

That's why you were walking the streets. You weren't alone, you were accompanied by your boyfriend's best friend.
Lovino Vargas. Aka Romano.

So as you may have guested, your boyfriend was Spain.

He would have walked with you like he normally did on days like this, but he had some "business" to attend to with his trio. Since he didn't like the idea of you going alone, he asked Romano to go with you.

He agreed.

Romano followed where you went. The both of you having a nice conversation as you shopped for groceries, and for snacks.

You enjoyed being around Romano. Even though he was rude and vulgar towards your boyfriend, he was always kind to you. You didn't think much of his sweet attitude when he was with you, you knew he was always like that with girls.

You always thought of him as a brother, and assumed the feeling was mutual.

Romano, however, did not share your feelings. He always thought more of you.
He loved you.
Your hair, your eyes, your laugh, your smile. Everything you hated about yourself, he loved.
There was only one problem.

You were his best friend's girlfriend.

He wanted you, yes. But he would never hurt his friend like that.

He remembered the day you and Antonio had gotten together. He remembered how his heart shattered when he heard you say yes.

But he had smiled and wished you both well.

Because that's what friends do.

"Hey Lovi," you say as you pick through a cart of vegetables, "do you think we need more tomatoes? Or maybe lettuce?"

"Whatever you want," he says, "It's not my money."

You smiled and decide to get a little of both.

That smile made his heart leap.
He thought you looked extra beautiful today. With your thin (fc) sweater to protect you from the chilly breeze. And the way your hair was tucked under a white beanie, and your jeans fit you just right.

He knew because he had spent a fair about of time walking behind you today.

As you continued to walk, you stopped at a clothing vendor. You never bought clothes from the market. But the shirt that caught your eye made you laugh.

It was a white shirt with a tsundere tomato on it.

It reminded you of Romano.

"What are you laughing at, bella" Romano asks as he watches you curiously.

"Nothing." You say innocently, "Hey could you go buy a kilo of apples from that stand, please?"

He nods and you hand him the money to pay for it.
As he walks to the stand, you bought the shirt, having it wrapped in brown paper so you companion wouldn't see it.

Romano came back with the apples in a bag, and took notice of the new brown package you held.

"What's that?" He asks as you take apples from him.
"A gift for someone special."

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