Yandere Rivalries

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Kind of requested by @Himitsui.
You requested a Yandere x Reader x Yandere story. I actually really liked the idea, but I don't think I could fit all my ideas into a one shot. So I thought of just doing brief summaries, but decided to put it into a quiz to make it easier, and just because I wanted to.
I hope it meets expectations, of that you're at least partly satisfied.

Hope you enjoy it. Tell me what y'all get, and if you like your answers. I may add onto it depending on how things go with my other writing stuff.




Cold War II
America & Russia
This war doesn't get as cold as you're thinking. They'll probably share custody with you. Sending you back and fourth between them. Sometimes it gets rather heated especially if one is being particularly stubborn.

Civil War
1p America & 2p America
Neither is a big fan of sharing with their counterparts. It's will be a domestic rivalry of playfully fighting for your attention and praise.

Sibling Rivalry
Veneziano & Romano
This one gets... Interesting. Veneziano isn't fond of letting anyone near you, his brother is the only exception. Romano will share, reluctantly, but still demands most of your attention. Fights are never bloody, but can get very intense.

Pirate's Life
Spain & England
Blood, blood everywhere. Neither is afraid to hurt the other, they seem even more so eager when it comes to you. They're is no hesitation to fight for you. Chances are you'll switch between the two after fights depending on who won.

Hoes Before Bros
Veneziano & Germany
Oh boy.. you're going to be the one reason they don't get along. Germnay will want to monitor your every move, and Veneziano will want to be off Germany's radar.

The Second Berlin Wall
Germany & Prussia
This gets intense sometimes. Especially when Prussia tries to "train" you. Germany is against those methods, and isn't afraid to tell his brother off. This both drives them apart, but also makes the more eager to have you.

Vegan Cupcakes
2p America & 2p England
This is the most domestic rivalry. It's very sweet, and gentle. They don't mind sharing you at all with each other. It's like sharing a pet to them.

Smoke & Roses
2p France & 1p France
1p France wants you to himself, and 2p France doesn't like that. Not because he wants you to himself, he just sees the flaws, and mental abuse his counterpart is showing. He doesn't want you to be hurts, so he will normally swoop it to rescue you, which results in mild fighting between the two.

Italian Charm
1p Veneziano & 2p Veneziano
Ah yes, a rivalry of the most deadly yanderes... This one get very bloody sometimes. Neither wants to share you, and will seriously battle for you. 1p Veneziano doesn't think someone who would intentionally hurt you shouldn't be allowed to keep you, and 2p Veneziano doesn't think his counterpart is sane enough for you.

Fashion Disaster
1p S. Italy & 2p S. Italy
1p Romano is the one how guilts you into choosing him, and 2p Romano is the one that tries to being you up. Though both tactics are constanty used to keep you between one of the other.

Cold Fire
2p Iceland & 2p Norway
It's a weird child-like sharing thing. You're like the shiny new toy, and both want you. It's not exactly domestic, it more like a temper tantrums between not with fighting to have their turn.

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