Legs / S. Italy Romano

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Character: Lovino Vargas/ S. Italy Romano


Romano tossed his hair around with a fluffy white towel as he walked out the bathroom. His bare feet felt cold against the floor, and the cold air from the air conditioner bit into his skin which was still warm from his shower.

He wore a pair of boxers that rested loosely of his hips, and a salmon colored tanktop.
When he got to his bedroom he dropped the damp towel onto the desk chair and brushed his hair with his fingers while looking in the vanity mirror.

He saw you laying on the bed reading. It was normal so he didn't mind it much.

He noticed you had on one of his shirts, and no pants. Just underwear. He knew what that meant. It meant you had shaved your legs.

You didn't really find it necessary to shave your legs a lot. Romano had asked you why you didn't, you only replied with "If it's a problem then sleep on the couch."

He didn't really mind if you didn't, he was just curious at the time.
You put up with his lazy and borderline disgusting habits, so it was the least he could do.

Romano kept staring at you, though, with one single thought in his head: "I want to touch..."

He didn't think it was weird. I mean, freshly shaved legs feel the best.

He finishes with his hair and walks over to the bed

"Move your damn legs." He said grumpily as he pushed your legs over to lay down next to you.

He mentally chuckles knowing he succeeded in touching your legs. Which he deemed to be the best thing he felt all day.

He refrains from touching you afterwards. He didn't want to come off weird. So he snuggled into his pillow.

You noticed the pout he had, and smiled softly, "Go ahead, Roma."

He raised an eyebrow at you. His face still red, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know that you want to~" you run your fingers through his damp hair with a smile.

He grumbles, but runs his hand over your leg anyway. He continues with that as you go back to reading. One hand held your book, the other played with his hair as he laid his head in your lap.

Romano smiled to himself as he kissed your thigh softly, "You have nice legs."

You chuckled, "I feel like you only like me when I shave my legs."

"That's not true," he says softly, "I like you when you do other stuff too."

You hum, "uh huh."

"When you clean, when you cook, when you buy me stuff." He lists off as he traces shapes on your thigh.

You snort, "You make me sound like a maid."

He turns over to look up at you. You had a playful look on your face, and his features took on a look that matched yours.

"Aren't you?" He says, "I'm sure you would sexy in a maid outfit."

"Really now?"

He nods, "Cute little bows, and lace. I'm thinking a nice little lingerie~"

You snort again, "I love you, tomato head, but you will never get me into lingerie."

He chuckles seductively, "We'll see about that."

You roll you eyes with a smile before leaning down to press your lips to his.
He quickly flips you over so he was on top of you, his lips never leaving yours.

When you part for air, Romano when bites your bottom lip hard, harder than he meant to at least. You gasp, and he kisses the spot whispering an apology quietly.

"Don't you every fucking leaving me... Please." He whispers to you, "I'll go fucking crazy without you."

You smile at him and lace your fingers on the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss his forehead, "I wouldn't dream of it, love."

He smiles, and lays down on you, his face resting the the crook of your neck, as your arms circled his shoulders.

"Ti amo, jerk hole." He mumbles with a loving voice.

"Ti amo troppo, dickwad." You say back in the same tone.

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