Northern Nights / Norway

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Character: Lukas Bondevik / Norway

**Requested by HetaliaFanatic4ever
"Hello! I was wondering if I could request a Norway one-shot?"

Today had been rough for you, to be fair however, life in general was being hard.

You couldn't really give blame to anyone but yourself since it was your foolish decision to take a last minute, unplanned trip to your hometown for a week.
You had recently underwent some stress, and needed a small get away from it. To you you couldn't think of any betterplace to go than back home, where you could shack up with your mother for a little while.

You called in a work to get a few days off, which was good for you at the time. You didn't however tell your boyfriend of your last minute trip. It had completely slipped your mind, so when you got home to find a very upset Lukas Bondevik on your doorstep you weren't too surprised.

As stress relieving as it was, when you finally returned to your own adult life you found yourself plunged deep into a whole new ball of responsibilities you weren't prepared for.

You forgot rent, and were extremely low on money from your trip. Besides that your work as a librian was slow so you had to pick up another job at a local ski resort.

There hours were difficult, but it was bringing in some amount of money. At least by the end of the month you should have enough to pay your missing rent.

As you came home from a tiring day of working two jobs, you happily took off your shoes, and coat at the door. You went to the kitchen, and put your car keys on the counter, before chugging a glass of water.

For a long while you just stood on the kitchen holding the empty glass as you stared into nothing.
You weren't hungry, and besides that there wasn't much to eat since you hadn't gone shopping so you could save up for rent.

Your apartment felt lonely. It was quiet, and just... empty. Just you in your two bedroom one bath apartment. Just you and no one else.

It was very lonely.

For a moment you debated calling Lukas. Granted, he was mad at you for dropping off the grid without telling him, he surely wasn't heartless.

When you looked at the clock on the stove, seeing it read 00:42, you second guessed the idea of contacting him.

He may be up this late, but he hates being disturbed so late into the night.

You grab your phone from you pocket and decided to text instead of call. At least then he could ignore it if he didn't want to answer.

You: Hey, Lukas. I know your mad at me
right now but I wanted to know if
you would come over?
It was just seconds before he replied, and you sighed with relief that he wasn't so mad at you he would give you a silent treatment.

Lukas: I suppose I could. As long as I
get something out of it.
You: Does coffee work?

Lukas: Throw in some cuddling and it's a deal.

You: Deal.

Lukas: I'll be over soon then.

You smiled to yourself as you put your phone on charge, and decided to take a shower while you waited on your lover.

You let the shower wash over you in waves of hot rain. It was relaxing to have a moment of peace. You hummed a little time to yourself, mumbling some lyrics and beats as you swayed and danced in the shower with a smile.

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