Welcome Home / N. Italy

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Character: Feliciano Vargas / N. Italy Veneziano


~•★•~ 2015 ~•★•~

"When will you be back?" You ask the brunette man as you both sat on the swings in the park.

"Soon. Next year for sure!" He says assuringly.

"I'm going to miss you, Italy..."

Italy flinched at the sad tone in your voice. One look at you showed your voice did match the saddened face you had.

Teary eyes, and a sad frown.

He smiled softly and placed an arm around you, "Don't worry, kid, You'll see me soon."

You push him off playfully with a half hearted smile, "Ita, I'm not a kid."

"Yes you are!" He pinched your cheek, "Your only 14!"

You laugh a little, and away his hands away. The playful fight goes on for a few awhile, filled with laughing and smiles. And for a moment you forgot why you were even in the park.

"Italy!" A loud voice yelled, and you both look over to see the others waiting for him.

You let your happy face fall back to your frown as he sighs sadly. He turns back to you with a gentle smile.

"It's time for me to go, Bambino." He says cupping your face.

You started cry as you cling to the blue material of his sleeves, "I don't want you to go."

He takes you into a tight hug, and you cling to him as if your life depended on it. You sob into his shoulder as he comfortingly rubs the back of your head.

He pulls out of the embrace, and wipes your tear away from your flushed face with a smile.

"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. I need you to be strong, okay?" He says and you nod.

He kisses your head before parting ways with you. You watch him leave, still crying.

He turns to you, and does a salute with a wink and his normal happy smile. You copy his actions, and just like that, he and everyone else was gone.

~•★•~ 2020 ~•★•~

You look down at your college paper you were typing onto your laptop and sigh with frustration. You knew the work was doable you just felt like it was impossible.

With so much on your mind you couldn't even begin to focus on your school work.

The pandemic, politics, work, bills.

Everything was getting increasingly hard, and you weren't sure how much more you could take.

You viciously tostle your hair, closing the laptop screen with possible more force than necessary. You were half tempted to just drop out.

This year was shit, and to be honest you were very done with it all.

You stand up from you desk and stretch, feeling all the bones is your body pop. It was painfully but in a reliving way. You collapse onto your bed and sigh heavily.

You could fall asleep right then and there if you tried hard enough, but you didn't feel like it. You felt too lonely to sleep.

You prop yourself up and ope the drawer next to your bed pulling out a little book. You sit crossed legged as you page through it.

You smiled at the drawings of your old friends, and the pictures you had taken all those years ago. The little notes that were written, and the keep sakes.

It had been years since you had seen them, or heard from them. There had been rumors of the nation's returning, but it hadn't been more than a hoax.

You stop on the last page which was a picture if little teen you with a smiling brunette on the swings. Your smiles were both super big as you both embraced.

Under it was a little note written in beautiful Italian cursive with a pressed daisy.

"Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo, amico mio, Con affetto, Italia"

You smiled sadly as you trace the outline of his smiling face. You felt tears come to your eyes and you wipe them away.

You missed him the most.

You close the book and place it back in it's place, before laying down to sleep before you actually started crying again.

"Buona notte, Italy."

In the morning it was the usual. You woke up, used the bathroom, made coffee and sat down to finish your school work. After you turned in your paper you dressed, brushed your teeth and made breakfast.

As you were cooking yourself some crepes there was a knock on your door.

You sigh in a frustrated way, recently your neighbors annoying kids had been running around the apartment building playing pranks on the other attendants.

You moved your pan off the stone burner, and wipes you hands on a dish towel as you made you way from the kitchen to the door.

"I swear to God, if you children are causing pfomblems again, I'm gonna..."

When you open your eyes you stop dead on your tra ks as you meet the honey coloured eyes of your long time friend.

Italy just smiled at you innocently, hands behind his back. He looked just as he had the last time you saw him. Auburn hair, honey eyes, and radiant smile. But his blue uniform had been graded in for a tan one.

Your knees shake and you feel yourself begin to crumble as your being a hand to your mouth, "Italy?"

His smile widenes and he opens his arms to you, "I thought you might have forgotten about me! It's so great to see you again."

You let the first tears fall as you linge forward into his arms.

"I missed-" he gets cut off as he wraps his arms around you, and you start crying into his shoulder again.

He laughs quietly holding you tighter, "You're so grown up now.. humans just keep growing don't they?"

He runs his fingers through your hair, "It's been a touch year, hasn't it? I'm proud of you for making it this far."

The embrace ends when you pull away to wipe your tears. Hoi look at him smiling at you. Your stomach lit up with butterflies, and all you could think was one thing.

"Italy..." You say softly reaching for him again.

He thought you wanted another hug, and gladly went in for one. He had quite the surprise when your lips landed on his.

You held his face in your hands as you kiss him. His hands stayed in the air as he was frozen in shock.

When you realized what you did you pulled away quickly. He covered his mouth and you take a step back.

"I'm so sorry," you tell him, "I'm so sorry, that was a mistake, I-"

Now was your turn to be cut off as his captured your lips in a kiss. At first you were surprised, but you quickly melted into it. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he holds your waist.

"I missed you so much." You tell him between kisses.

"I missed you too." He says back, "I miss you so much, Bella."

You swore your heart skipped a beat when you heard that leave his mouth. Of course you knew it meant beautiful, but you never imagined he would say it to you.

He had only ever called you by your name, kiddo, or Bambino.

When he noticed that you had tensed up he looked at you concerned, "Do you not like it? You don't want to be called Bella?"

You shake your head, "No, no, I love it. Say it again, please."

He smiles and pressed his cheek to yours "Bella."

You smile happily, and tug him with you back into your apartment. He just smiles back and follows.

"Smells like crepes." He comments as you close the door.

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