Gorgeous / 2p Romano

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Character: Flavio Vargas / 2p S. Italy Romano


"Flavio?" You call out as you navigate your way down the stairs. Your hand held the polished handrail tightly, your toe gently tapping each stair before you stepped to make sure they were there. Your nerves were twitching with anxiety of possibly missing a step. It happened often with you, it was just a downside to being blind.

"Yes, darling?" Flavio called back to you from somewhere downstairs.

Your face heated up with embarrassment as you called again, "Could you help me, please?"

You hated asking for help. You hated feeling like you were dependant, even if you were.
Flavio would never complain about assisting you, but you despised it.

"Of course." You hear footsteps, start to get closer, and you continue to cautiously descend the stairs. You make it down two more before you feel gentle arms wrap around you. One going around your waist the other holding your hand.

Flavio clicks his tongue, "You should have called for me sooner. You know I hate you going down the stairs by yourself."

"You don't have to worry about me so much, you know." You tell him, reluctantly accepting his help as he guide your decent, "I can take care of myself."

"I know, dear," he says as you reach the bottom, "I just can't help it."

You huff as you reach out your hand. Flavio understands, and gentle grabs your wrist so you would know where he was. You trail your hand up his arm, until you could fully wrap your arms around him.

Flavio returns you brace happily, with a smile, resting his head on top of yours. You could smell his cologne, and relished in the cocoon it wrapped you in.
You felt fingers run through your hair, and you smiled.

"Thank you, for worrying for me." You say softly into Flavio's chest.

"Anything for mio amore." He says placing a gentle kiss to your head.

You stay like that for a few moments before Flavio pulls out of the embrace, holding your shoulders.

"Are you ready for today?" He asks, and you shrug.

"It's just a doctor's appointment." You reach out your hand to rest against what you were assuming to be his chest, "It's nothing special."

"Of course it is!" Flavio exclaims, "The doctors are going to help you see! Of course it's special!"

You smile, and shake your head, "You're more excited than I am."

You felt a hand hold your face, and you leaned into it, "I can't wait to show you all of the beautiful things the world has to offer."

You smile at his words. Sometimes you couldn't believe you had gotten so lucky with him.
He was supportive, he was patient, he was such a lovely person.

"Alright." You tell him, "Let's go."

Lips are pressed to you cheek before you start to be lead away from your spot. You willingly let yourself be took outside, and into Flavio's car. You allow him to put on your seat belt, and close your door.

His hand grabs yours from your lap, and he starts the cars engine. You smile, and squeeze his hand, and he returns your gesture.


You sat in the waiting room nervously shuffling in your seat. You were just minutes away from a life changing surgery, and you were beyond nervous.

All you had know in your life was being vision less. You had never seen color, or people. Being blind was all you knew. You weren't ready for a lifelong normal to change.

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