Yandere Headcanons Part 3

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~*★*~ 1p ~*★*~

Ludwig Beilschmidt

Monopoly Type
"Why did you skip your morning run? Is something wrong? We're you with someone else?"

Basic: He's controlling. He monitors your daily life, he knows your schedule inside and out, and if you do something out of the ordinary he gets suspicious. He knows everything about you too, and really hates any secrets you keep. He doesn't realize his borderline stalker behavior is creepy, so if you start to pull back from him he only assumes you're either unwell, cheating, or you have a secret. All will motivate him to be more active in your life.
He isn't violent much. But he can be. If you two are walking and someone touches you or makes you feel uncomfortable he might just break their nose. Of course, he'll justify it with saying he was protecting you. It wouldn't take a lot to convince the muscular man to kill someone. So for safe measures, don't cheat, or spend too much time with your friends. He may just kill them and lock you away where no one can find you.

Romantic: He's actually very akward. He's not as confident in his romantic abilities as he is his sexual ones. He'll more than likely turn to manuals, and online advice. Nevertheless, it is cute how he turns red when you hold his hand or kiss his cheek.

Sexual: Like I mentioned earlier, he is confident in his sexual abilities. He knows what he's doing so there's no uncertainty in his actions. He likes to be rough. BDSM (and maybe a bit a roleplay) If you ask him to be gentle, he will be, but he preferences the opposite.

Danger level: 6/10
      - He's not psychotic, but he is quick to anger. It is very rare that he would ever lay a hand on you, but it's not impossible if he were to be really angry at something you did.

∅Italy Veneziano∅
Feliciano Vargas

Obsession Type
"I've been messaging and calling you all day? What haven't you replied back? What were you doing?"

Basic: He's very, very stalkerish. He follows you in private, and lines his schedule up to yours. He makes it very innocent looking, and you wouldn't suspect a thing. He adores your attention and would do anything for it. He is obsessed with anything you do, and has no limits when it comes to your praise. He puts you on a pedestal, and worships you. You get all his attention and love, his playboy habits end when he falls for you.
At first he isn't violent. He's just stalkerish. That changes after a while though. It could be something simple that triggers the sudden crazy. A thought, a meme, misinterpreting something someone said ect. But after that snap, he will kill anybody and do anything to get your love. Even if it doesn't work. He thinks you should love him for all he's done, and if you don't then he'll do it more thinking you'll be more impressed the more he hurts others. He won't hurt you, well, he won't hurt you like he does others, and he won't consider it hurting you at all. 

Romantic: He's a hopeless romantic. He's all about the sweet things like giving you gifts, and praising you with words. He loves to cuddle, and kiss. He's just all around boyfriend material if it weren't for the craziness of it all.

Sexual: Believe it or not, he's a virgin. He has almost no sexual experience. What he does have comes from extensive talks with France, and porn. If you every do get down and dirty, it will most likely not be very good until he starts to get the hang of what he's supposed to do which will take a few times. If you tell him he's bad at it, he may experiment with others (which is cheating yes) but he won't think of it as anything special, to him he's just improving his skill to please you.
If you don't return his feelings, he may force it at first. Which he doesn't see it as wrong, he loves to see you struggled a little bit. He'll baby you after, giving you attention and sharing a warm bath.

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