Welcome To The Family / Germany

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Character: Ludwig Beilschmidt / Germany


"Are you sure it's okay for me to go to your family reunion?" Ludwig asks as he nervously fixes his tie in the mirror.

You smile at him sweetly, fixing your own outfit, "Of course it is. You pretty much family anyway."

"I'm just your boyfriend." He sighs giving up on the tie that was askew against his broad chest.

You give a sigh of your own, and reach out to fix his black tie yourself, "I know that, and that's why I want you to come with me. If you really don't want to, that's fine, I won't make you."

"I want to, I just... What if I make a fool of myself?" Ludwig's brow creases as he begins to ramble, "What if your family hates me, and doesn't want me to be with you? What if they don't think I'm good enough? Not just anybody should be able to call you theirs. What if-"

You silence him with a kiss, holding his slim face in your hands. When you pull away from him he keeps his eyes closed, and leans his forehead against yours. You stroke his cheek with your fingers gently, as you smile at him softly. His hands rested on your waist loosely as his fingers massage your hips.

"Everything will be fine." You tell him, "I promise."

He hums and pulls you into another kiss, holding you tightly against him. The kiss is slow and passionate, with each second passing it gave the blonde a new bit of courage.

When the kids ended, he straightened his back with a determined look, "Alright, let's go before were late. Being on time is important."

You giggle at his new attitude, and follow him out the door. He always was one to push through.


The moment you stepped out of your car you were glomped. You made a grunt as your waist was attacked by a small blonde boy.

"Big bro/sis!" He cheers as he burries his face in your stomach.

You smile and scoop up the boy with a laugh, "Peter!"

You give him a tight hug, and pepper his cheek in kisses. He laughs, and pushes away your face.

"Stop it! Your embarrassing me!" He giggles. You finally put him down after one final kiss to his squishy cheek.

"C'mon! Everyone's been waiting for you!" Peter says happily as he takes your hand and tugs it.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." You tell him, "Go tell everyone I'm here, okay?"

He runs off to after a salute and you chuckle at your youngest brother. You turn to Ludwig who is smiling at you softly.

You return his smile playfully, and give him a questioning raise of your eyebrow, "What?"

He shakes his head, "Nothing. You just looked really pretty just now."

You chuckle and lace your fingers with his, "come on, you silly potato. Let's join everyone else."

After locking the car you both began to walk to the gazebo where a small crowd was gathered. There was a small bar set off the side where food was lined up on a table.

"Where's my baby boy/girl!" You hear a female voice call as a red headed woman comes out of the crowd.

"Hi, mum." You tell her as you hug her tightly. She pinches your cheek and tell you how much you've grown since the last time she saw you.

She notices Ludwig in the middle of harassing your poor cheek, and immediately let go of you.

"Who's this, (yn)?" She asks.

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