Yandere Headcanons Part 1

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~*★*~ 1p Allied ~*★*~

~*∅*~ WARNING  ~*∅*~
These head canons are based on a yandere theme. There is light mentions SEXUAL ACTIONS, VIOLENCE, AND SELF HARM. If you don't like it, then don't read it.


Alfred F. Jones

Self-Sacrifice type
"I'm the hero! If it meant saving (yn), I'd die."

Basic: Due to his raging hero complex, he has it in his head that you are worth dying for. He may start out subtle at first, like stepping infront of you when a car drives by and sprays water from a puddle, or blocking the sun for you, but it would grow into something worse.
He would start throwing himself at danger, even if you aren't involved.
--"If I make you go away now, you can't hurt (yn) later"

Romantic: He is dedicated to you, and will love you unconditionally, though in an unhealthy way. He will see you as weak, and unable to protect yourself, even if you are quite the opposite. It will be for simple things like you not being able to reach something on a high shelf, or accidentally tripping over your shoelaces.
This only encourages his behaviors.

Sexual: He likes for it to be consetual. If you say no, he'll leave it be. He would rather die (litterally) than have you see him as anything less than a good guy.

Danger level: 4/10
      - He will litterally beat up anyone he thinks will hurt you. He won't even hesitant to shoot a stranger if it mean helping you, or why he thinks is helping you. He won't hurt you though, and he won't do anything you tell him not to do if you pull a "Heros don't do that Alfie! Don't act like a bad guy!"

Arthur Kirkland

Wrong idea type.
"Oh... (Yn) is so nice to me... No one's ever that nice... Maybe (yn) has feelings for me!"

He instantly clings to you at any show of kindness. He'll miss interpret everything you do.
--"Good morning, Arthur."
    Omg (yn) said good morning! She must want me to have a good day! I'll have the best day for (yn)!
--"How was your day?"
    (Yn) is worried about me, how sweet! S/he must really love me!

Romantic: He won't be very violent so much as clingy, but if for some reason he feels someone is a threat to you, or his illusion of a relationship with you he may snap. Even if you aren't together officially he'll act like it. Get jealous over nothing, hug you, even sneak some kisses into it. If you tell him to stop, or point out you aren't in a real relationship he'll flat out ignore you. To him, you're his and only his, and worst of all, he thinks you feel the same.

Sexual: He passionate, sometimes he's rough, sometimes he's gentle. He doesn't care for consent, because in his head you want it as much as he does, if not more. It would have to be something extreme to make him stop once he's started. Like, unless your hurling your guts up on the matress, or bleeding from down south he won't stop.

Danger level: 4/10
      -Hes sweet and gentle till you mess with his false reality. He'll hurt others more than you, and he isn't in his right mind. He can be forceful and pushy, and sometime violent.

Francis Bonnefoy

Projection type
"My precious amore, you're just like Jeanne...."

Basic: After loosing Jeanne, he was lost in terms of love. He didn't think he would find anyone to fill the hole in his chest. Then he found you.
At first it started as a small attraction due to the fact you looked/acted like her. He didn't expect it to last more than a few weeks like it had in the passed, but then he fell from reality. He started treating you like you were his lost love, calling you by her name from time to time. His friends expressed their concern, but he never listened.
"I finally found someone to make me happy! Why cant you just let me be happy for once!"

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