Coming Home / 2p England

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Character Oliver Kirkland/ 2p England

** Requested by @BestIrishTwat
(2p England x Veteran!Male! Reader)

Oliver busied himself in the kitchen, mixing batter and icing cakes. He hummed as he expertly moved around the room.

The floor was grey-brown hard wood, the walls were white, and the cabinets were pastel blue. Colorful jars lined the grey marble counter top, labeled with their contents. Flour, sugar, sprinkles, baking soda ect. 

Pictures hung on the wall. Paintings saved from over the years, pictures of Allen and Matt growing up. Pictures of Louis being, well, Louis.

But Oliver's favorite was one framed in a thin black frame with gold accents. It held a photo of a smiling man, his lips spread into a proud smile as he stared straight.
The dark blue army uniform fit him well, clad with his respected insignia. Colorful bars, and ribbon, and gold accents to the dark coat and hat.
The words carved on the plaque attached to the frame was:
Major (fn ln) of the 10th Fighter Squadron

Oliver loved that picture. He could count how many times he looked at it a day. He just knew that someday soon he wouldn't have to look at it for comfort because you would be home.

No one expected Oliver and you to work out. You were always away serving your country, and he was sensitive at heart. No one thought Oliver would be able to handle the stress of knowing his spouse probably won't be coming home alive.

Even Oliver himself had his doubts, but he held himself together nicely. You had never failed to come home as promised, holding a bouquet of Oliver's favorite orchids in hand.

It would be soon that you would show up back at home. Oliver imagined it would be like the other times. You would do your signature knock on the door and Oliver would nearly kill himself running to the door.
The door would open and you would be there in uniform, holding flowers in your hand with a goofy grin on your lips. Oliver would fling his arms around you, and you would shower each other with kisses as tears poured down his freckled cheeks.

Oliver sighed at the thought, as he finished placing his freshly baked goods in their glass display case on the counter. He put away the last of the cleaned cupcake trays, and bowls. After deeming the kitchen clean enough he decided a shower was next on his to do list.

Flicking off the kitchen light, and walking to the stairs he stood in front of the black framed picture.
He smiles back at the smiling man, and continued his way upstairs.


"Today's the day!" Oliver cheered as he quickly set the table with all your favorite foods and sweets.

"Jeez, old man." Allen says with a smile as he carries out drinks, "Slow down before you exhaust yourself."

"How can I?" Oliver laughs, moving onto fix the couch pillows, "(yn) is coming home today!"

Allen chuckles. Matt and Louis lounged the recliners, and Allen helped Oliver do whatever needed done.
Oliver was practically a ball of sunshine  as he hurried around the house.

He couldn't stop thinking about you coming home, about being able to hug you and kiss you and tell you he loves you. All in person, not over the staticy military phone calls they give once a month. He would be able to see you, to touch you, to smell the military issued shampoo in your hair.

He couldn't wait.

A knock came to the door, and Oliver squealed in delight as he rushed to the door. He opened it with a smile, but it feel quickly.

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