Visitation / 2p America

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Character: Allen F. Jones / 2p America


You waited in the waiting room anxiously. You hugged yourself around your torso as you tapped your foot in an uneven beat.

Any minute now they would brink him in, and they would leave you alone with him. Any minute that door was going to open and you would finally be able to see him after nearly half a year.

Any minute now and you would see Allen Jones.

The memory of when you last parted with him was still freshin your mind. You had been too scared at the time to do anything more than watch with wide teary eyes.


"Oh my God!" You cry as Allen rushes into your shared apartment locking the door behind him quickly.

His normal jacket is now6 to be found, and his tank top in stained in blood. Fresh blood falls from his nose and he wiped it with his hand causing it to smear across his cheek.

"Allen!" Your next to him in a matter of seconds as you carefully cup his face and run you shaking hands over him looking for and injuries.

"What happened to you?" You say In an unsteady voice as you search him, "What happened, are you okay?"

Allen's hands cup your face, "We gotta get outta of here, (yn)." He says with a demanding tone, "I need you to pack your things now. Just some clothes and shit, okay?"

"I don't understand!" You cry, "What's going on? I dont-"

"Just fucking listen to me!" He yells, "We have to leave now!"

"Allen, I dont-"

You were Interrupted by a pounding at the door. You flinches and grabbed onto your livers shirt.

Allen crushed under his breath and rushed you to the window, "We have to leave right now."

"What going on?" You were crying now, "I'm scared, what happening?"

"I got into some trouble," Allen admits, "But it's okay, I'm not gonna let anyone touch you okay?"

"I'm scared..." You whinper.

Allen gives you a look of sympathy, he pulls you into a tight hug, planting a long kiss to your forehead as he breaths in the smell of your hair.

"I know..." He says softly, "but I'm gonna fix this, doll. Don't worry."

And the the door was off the hinges with police officers spilling into the apartment. It took nearly an army to get Allen to separate from you. You were to scared to really fight back.


You hadn't came to see him at all since then. You were too afraid.

Afraid he hated you for not fighting to stay with him.

Afraid he would be upset you didn't leave with him.

Afraid he didn't even want to see you.

After some time, and convincing from his brothers you were finally going to see him. That's why you sat in the room now.

Waiting for Allen.

When you heard the lock to the door click you flinches and stood from your chair. You stepped back untill your back hit the wall as you stared at the metal door with doe eyes.

When the door opened, an officer stepped in first. Behind him followed another officer, and then the man you came to see.

Your breath hitched when your eyes met the scarlet one of your lover. His eyes peirced yours like knives, as he watched every little twitch your muscles did.

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