Voicemail/ N. Italy

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Character: Feliciano Vargas/ N. Italy Veneziano


~"This is (yn)! I'm sorry I can't come to the phone right now, just leave a name and number and I'll get back to you, or just shoot me a message. Bye bye!"~


"Ciao, (yn)! Hope your doing well." Italy says with a wide smile as he lounged sideways on the living room recliner, "You promised to meet me at the park earlier, but didn't show."

He stares at the white cieling thinking of you.
(Hl hc) hair that framed your face perfectly.
A kind smile.

"You must have been busy, but that's okay." He stretches a little, "We can take a raincheck."

He sighs, "I'll leave now, I know you don't like long messages. Te amo, (yn)."

Italy hung up and looked at the phone sadly.
He didn't know why he kept calling you, he knew you would never pick up.
He knew you'd never listen to the messages.

It was a comfort thing. Or at least that's what he guessed.

He sighs and lays his cellphone down on his stomach as he stares into nothing.

"Oi, Veneziano," Romano says as he walks into the living room holding a piece of pizza, "Who were you talking to."

"No one." The younger of the brothers replies simply, running a finger over the back of the phone case as he stares off into the distance.

His older brother narrowed his Hazel eyes at the male, "You called (yn)'s phone again, didn't you?"

"So what if I did?"

"You need to fucking stop." Romano hisses.

Italy looked at his brother with a pained expression, "You can't tell me to stop. (Yn) was-"

Romano cut him of with a sharp and harsh voice, "You aren't the only one who got hurt, Veneziano. Don't pull that shit with me."

Italy felt his Amber colored eyes fill with hit tears as he righted himself on the chair. He tried his best not to cry.

"Okay." He said simply as he stood up and walked to the door. He pulled on his coat, ignoring his brother who asked where he was going.

"Somewhere." Was his response.

Italy walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets. He had a pained expression, tears threatening to spill at any second.

He knew his brother was right, but he didn't want to admit it. So he pushed it deep down.

He justified his actions to make himself with the idea he of all people had the right to call your phone. You and he had been a couple for three years.

He was allowed to call you.

His hand twitched to grab his phone.
You always made him feel better when he was upset.

It wouldn't hurt to give you a call.
He quickly selected your contact, and held the phone to his ear as he walked.

~"This is (yn)! I'm sorry I can't come to the phone right now, just leave a name and number an I'll get back to you, or just shoot me a message. Bye bye!"~


"Ciao, (yn)." He says as usual, "I had another fight with mio fratello."
The Italian sighs, "He told me to quit calling you. Can you believe that?"

Italy tried to smile and laugh as if it were a joke.
"Sometimes Romano is silly. He acted as if it were weird to call you." Tears now rolled over his cheeks as he sniffed, "It's not like it is wired, we've been together for a long while."

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