How to Kiss Your Tall Boyfriend/ 2p S. Italy Romano

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Character: Flavio Vargas / 2p S. Italy Romano
** Requested by @BestIrishTwat
(2p Romano x Short! Male Reader)
**Sorry it's short, I was out of ideas..

"Almost.... Got it..." You stood on your tip toes, hand out stretched to reach a bowl from the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. You tried with all your might, using the countertop to push yourself up higher.
Your fingertips barely brush the bowl nudging it backwards even more.

You let yourself fall flat footed on the floor mumbling curses at your height. The shelf wasn't even that high up, maybe just below six foot tall. It was your short height that caused problems.

Your (ec) eyes glared at the bowl you had been trying to reach. All you wanted was a bowl so you could make yourself breakfast, but off course they had to be on a shelf almost two foot taller than you.
You took a deep breath before once again reaching up. As you pushed yourself to be taller a hand reached around you to grab the bowl. You blinked confused.

"There you go, bello!" A cheery Italian voice says as the bowl is put on the counter infront of you.
You turn around to give a glare to the tall blonde that stood behind you.

Flavio smiled at you happily, rose tinted glasses sitting on top of his fluffy blonde hair. Grey eyes gazed at you lovingly, yet expectantly.

"No thank you?" He asks a bit sad.

"I had it, ya know?" You say as you grab the bowl and place it on a different counter before going into the pantry.

"Don't be like that, (yn)." Flavio whines as he follows you, "I was only helping you."

You don't respond as you grab a box of (your favorite cereal). You place it next to your bowl and get milk.

"I'm sorry." Flavio sighs as he hugs you from behind. Your face warms at the contact, and you couldn't help but to enjoy the fluttering feeling in your chest.

"I just couldn't let my adorable short boyfriend struggle, what kind of person would I be?"

Faintly in the distance you could hear the sound of your good mood crashing into nothingness. You hated when Flavio pointed out your height. He knew how much you despised your obvious lack of tallness.
Of course, being him, he found it cute.

You wiggled out of his arms, "I'm not short."

"Yes you are!" Flavio says, "Look! You barely reach my shoulder!"

You send a glare at him, "Wanna say that to my face?"

"I would, dear, but it's a bit hard to get onto your level." He laughs.

You give a final glare before grabbing the milk from the refrigerator, and carrying on with your breakfast.

You could feel Flavio's steel grey eyes watch you, and sure enough when you glances his way he was looking at you with a playful grin as he leaned against the counter.

You place the milk and cereal box back in their respective places after you finish with them. You rest your elbows on the counter top after taking a spoon from the drawer.

You manage to take a few bite out of your bowl before the feeling of being watched made you twitchy.

"What are you waiting for?" You ask as you take another bite, and watch Flavio with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing much," he purrs and he straightens his back, "Just a kiss."

You eye him skeptical, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

He waves off your words with a cheerful smile, "Eh, it won't hurt anything."

You shrug, "If you say so, blondie."

He puckers his lips slightly, and you lean up to give him his requested kiss only for him to stand straighter. We're his lips were basically out of reach to you.

Your eyebrows knit together, "I can't kiss you like that."

"Never know until you try, bello." He teases.

You give an annoyed sigh, as you stand on your trip toes, placing your hands on Flavio's chest for support. You barely manage to kiss his chin as he turns his head up.

"You brat!" You smack his arm as you fal back on your feet, "You're doing that on purpose!"

He laughs, "I'm sorry. You're just so cute when you have to do that!"

'The nerve of that ditzy blonde!' you mentally scream, as said man laughs. You feel your face burn form embarrassment, and agitation.

An idea pops into your head, and you grin mischievously. You ball your hand into a fist and swing it into Flavio's stomach. You don't hit him hard, just enough to make him double over.
But Flavio being Flavio, he made it dramatic.

"Why would you do that?" He says as his hands clutch his midsection, "I was just teasing..."

You shake your head, and grab his face in your hands. You brought your lips to his for a short, sweet kiss, "There."

You release his face, and grab your bowl from the counter before walking into the living room to sit on the couch.

"That was so mean!" Flavio whines from the kitchen.

You shrug, though he can't see it, "Not my fault you're too tall."

"Did you really have to hit me though?"

"Yep, that's how you're supposed to kiss your tall, jerk hole boyfriend."

"But it hurt!"

You roll your eyes, "Did it kill you? No? Then you're fine." You scoop up a spoonful of (favorite cereal), "Shake it off like a big boy, you whiney baby."

"So mean..."

You smile, and give a short laugh, "You love me though."

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