Sunshine / 2p Prussia

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Character: Gillen Beilschmidt / 2p Prussia

Song: You Are My Sunshine - Johnny Cash

** Requested by  @Piper_the_sad_bean

~The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried~

"Baby~" a soft voice cooed as arms wrapped around Gillen's shoulders. A head was placed on his, and he smiled.

"Hello, (yn), leibe." He signs to the you as you hug him from behind.

He tilts his head to look up at you, and pressed a soft kiss to your jaw.

You giggled at the tickling kiss, and he pulls you around to sit in his lap as he presses more kisses to your face.
You held his shoulder and laughed as he gently held onto your waist.

"Gillen!" You laugh pushing him away gently as he smiles, and laughs silently, "That tickles!"

"I love you" he signs with one hand while he keeps the other wrapped around you.

You smile and place a lingering kiss on his lips, holding his face. When you lean away your smile fades, and with it so do you.


Gillen jerked awake. His blue eyes fluttered open and he stared at the ceiling blankly. Before throwing his not metal arm over his face.
The dream had felt so real. But something him his told him it wasn't so.

He lets his arm fall to the place next to him, in hopes a warm body would be resting there. When his arm met with cold sheets he pushed himself up to look at the untouched sheets and pillow next to him.

That's when he realized his dream had been just that. A dream.

He sat up, and let his bare feet touch the cold floor. He shivered a little but brushed it off. He ran his good hand through his tangled silver hair, and sighed.

He remembered now. You had left him a little while ago. He wasn't quite sure why, but you had.

He held his face as he remembered how he had silently begged you not to leave. He wasn't able to talk, but he had signed and tried writting it down for you.

"No, Gillen," you had said coldly with tears in your eyes, "I-I can't do this anymore, I am so sorry."

He had tried to sign, but his hands kept shaking too much to do anything. You had taken his hands and held them tightly in yours.

His body had began to shake as he cried. He didn't know why you left. He didn't know if it was because of him, or if you had something bad happen.
All he knew was it hurt.

It hurt so much.

He held a tight grip on his bangs as he cried. His sobs were quiet, but his pain was visible. His tears fell to the floor making a puddle.

He missed you, and it was obvious.

~You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away~

Gillen wiped away his never ending stream of tears. A knock came to the door, and he rapped gently on the wall next to his bed as an okay to come in.

As his door creaked open light form the hallway leaked into the dark room. Gillen n had his back facing the door but he knew who it was.

"Bruder," his younger brother asks quietly, "Are you okay?"

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