Stalker / N. Italy Venezinao

394 7 15

Character: Feliciano Vargas/ N. Italy Veneziano



Things were hot and heavy between you and your long term boyfriend Arthur. Kisses being shared and skin meeting skin.
It was a shameless act, and you relished in the feeling. It was something just the two of you shared, a special thing only seen by you both.

At least that's what you thought. You would have been much more flustered had your been aware of the jealous eyes that watched from across the street. Watching every breath you took, and twitch your body made.

The next morning was routine. You woke up, and showered. After finishing your bathroom rituals you went back to the bedroom to wake up Arthur, via a flurry of soft kisses to his face and neck. As he went to shower you made breakfast, and coffee.

The sun had just started to peak through the windows, and you watched it rise slowly from the kitchen window.
Arms wrapped around you from behind, and you smiled.

"Good morning, Arthur." You say dreamily as you lean back into the warm embrace.

"Good morning, love." He says back as he kisses your cheek.
Yep, the morning was perfect. Even you wouldn't have denied that.


Work was slow that day. Which you were fine with. It made your day easier. You worked at a cute antique shop named "Nick & Nat's", named aftert the owners Nikolai and Natalia, a Belarusian brother/sister pair.

It was a very homie place. The walls were lined with a cream colored wallpaper, and the floors were dark oak. The lighting was dim, and yellow in color, which in its self gave a warm type of feel.
It always smelled like a mix of cinnamon and lavender. Most people would call it an 'old person' smell, but in your opinion it smelled like home.

You worked at the counter that day as you co-worker, Ivan, cleaned and polished the antiques that lined the shelves and tables.

You were scanning the receipts to estimate the days total earnings when the bell above the door rang.

"Welcome to Nick and Nat's." You say, as the footsteps grow closer to the counter.

"Ciao, Bella/o!" A cheery voice says and you look up with a smile.

"Good evening, Feli."

The cheery brunette gets brighter, and the curl sticking out from his hair makes a small heart, not that you noticed it.

You had known Feliciano for a few years. He was one of the first costumers you had working at the shop, and over that time he became a really good friend of yours.
He had actually been the one to introduce you to Arthur.

"What can I do for you today?" You ask as you push the calculations you were doing into a drawer, giving your attention to the cheery Italian.

"I didn't really come for anything much," Feliciano admited as he looks at his hands nervously, a small dusting of pink on his face, "I actually came to ask something."

"Well what is it?" You cross your arms on the counter, and looking at him curiously, "Is it about a girl? A boy maybe?"

He laughed nervously, "Haha.. something like that.."

"I knew it!" You smile, "Spill the tea."

Feliciano gets really nervous, "I met this person a little while back, and I really like them, but I don't know if they like me back."

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