Under Lock & Key/ Pirate!Spain

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Character: Antonio Fernadez Carriedo/ Spain

Warning: Slightly sexual ig


The ship swayed, rocking gently on the ocean waves.
It was nearly enough to lull you to sleep.


There's was no way you would let yourself sleep. Not while you were in the hands of your enemy.

Captain Antonio Fernadez Carriedo.

Not in a million years would you allow yourself to be that vulnerable around him.

It wasn't that he was a pervert, he was actually quiet gentlemanly, you just wanted to prove that you were just as, if not stronger than him.

He had taken your ship under his control a while ago. You couldn't remember exactly when, you haven't been out of the cells since. He kept you below deck along with any of your crew who refused to join his own.

A few had agreed, and you weren't upset with them. It was the younger, newer recruits.
Fear was something you understood, and never shamed anyone for.

So you sat in your cell, back against the ship's rough wooden wall, eyes closed, listening to the soothing waves.

You heard his crew busy at work above you.
And your crew mumbling, and shifting near you.

You weren't too concerned with being captured.
You had your own friends.

Well... Friend.

You weren't too liked throughout the pirate community.
The only friend you had was Arthur Kirkland.

He seemed to do a nice enough job beating the Spanish captain who held you captive.
You expected him to come for you any day now. That's how it normally went.

One of you would get captured, and the other would swoop in.

You just had to wait.

So you did.

You heard the creak of the door being opened, but kept your eyes closed as footsteps walked across the wooded floors.
They stopped in front of you, but you didn't open your eyes.
You knew who it was.

"Evenin' Carriedo," you say half-heartedly, "Or is it morning? I can't really tell after being down here so long."

A light chuckle followed your words, "it's evening."

You cracked open one of your (ec) eyes to gaze at the man.

Even you wouldn't deny he was quiet the looker.
Sun kissed skin, curly brown hair, and forest green eyes.
His red coat hung over a white shirt that was unbuttoned to show off his toned chest.
His brown pants hugged his curves nicely, and his black boots were relatively taken care off.

He had gold accents on his coat, and black hat the was decorated with peach colored flowers.
He had a gold earring in one ear, and a gold cross necklace.
Gold looked good against his warm tinted skin.

"Well," you say with a hollow smile, "it seems I'm not completely in disarray."

"Seems not."

Moments pass in silence. You had closed your eyes again, but you could feel his gaze in you.
Looking you over hungrily.

When you opened you eyes you were, as you had suspected, met with his hungry gaze.

"Did you come down here just to stare at me, or what?"

He smiles, his eyes holding a playful glint, "I came to collect you."

"Collect me?"

"I want to chat in my quarters."

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