Idk What To Call This/ 2p S. Italy

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Character: Flavio Vargas / 2p S. Italy


It was another day at work, but it was rather calm. You worked at a design studio as a photographer. Currently you were on lunch break with your best friend. You where sitting on the counter of the break room, sipping on (drink) while Flavio was leaning on the counter next to you.

Flavio was one of the designer, he was very well known. You were his personal photographer.

"I tell ya, (nickname)," Flavio says as he flips some of his golden hair from his face "I have never met a more stubborn client!"

"I can imagine." You say with a soft smile.

You take a sip of your drink, and look up only to find the most attractive human you've ever seen.

S/he (make it your gender) had the most shiny Auburn hair you'd ever seen, and it framed their face beautiful. They're eyes were bright as they talked and smiled with one of the modles you had been doing a shoot with before going on break.

You hadn't realized how long you had been staring at then until they looked your way. They gave you a smile, and a wink.

You giggled lightly as you face lit up in red.

Flavio looked the way you were, and noticed the model you had caught an interest in.

"I see you've spotted out new model, " Flavio says with a light smile as he ate a but if his salad.

"Yea... s/he's beautiful." You say softly  as you smile at the model who waved at you.

"Aww, darling, don't think like that!" Flavio says placing a hand on your knee, "You look beautiful too, don't let them get you down."

"I'm not jealous Flavio," you tell him with a grin, "I'm gay."

You'd never seen his face get so red.

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