Bikes & Burgers/ America

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Character: Alfred F Jones/America


It was a calm day. Blue skies, and sunshine. It had been awhile since there had been a day like this.
Being it such a perfect day, you decided it would be good to enjoy the day, and what better way than a bike ride through the city?

You carefully swirved passed people on the sidewalk as you rode. No one seemed to mind you as you petaled your way through the city.

The warm sunlight kissed your (sc) skin, and the gently breeze brushed your (hc). you smiled at the feeling. You could only describe this as euphoria.

As you rode you decided to enter the park.
It was even better there.

You parked your bike against a tree, and laid in the green grass. Inhaling the earthy smell of the grass, and bathing in the sun shine, you were nearly lulled into a nap.

Key word: nearly.

You may have fallen asleep if not for an unsuspecting kick to the ribs.

The person who had kicked you gave a shout as they tried over your body, landing face first into the ground, as you clutched your injured body.
You wheezed a little, sitting up as straight as you dared.

"Whoa... Dude." The stranger said hold his head as he sat up as well.

"The hell's your problem?" You ask still winded by the pain in your abdomen.

The man looked at you, his glasses askew on his face, and baby blue eyes wide in shock. His sandy blonde hair had a piece of grass in it, as well as a odd cowlick. A light blush tinted his dirt smudged cheeks as he looked at you in silence.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." You hiss at his staring.

You snappy voice seemed to knock him from whatever trace he was in.
"Y-yea." He says a bit louder than necessary, "I'm real sorry about that, dude."

He quickly got back on his feet, offering a hand to you which you rejected.

You mumbled a "it's fine", your day seemingly to be ruined by this stranger.

"Hey," the blonde objected, "I said I was sorry."

You roll your eyes, as you start to head towards your bike, finally ready to go home.

"How about I make it up to you?" He says quickly, grabbing your handlebars so you couldn't leave, "Want to get lunch? My treat?"

"Why do you care?" You say with a raised eyebrow, trying to pull your bike away only for him to pull back, "I already said it was fine."

"Because I can...?" He smiled awkwardly.

You sighed looking at his firm grip on your bike, "You won't let go till I say 'yes' will you?"

His smile said it all.

He was indeed not going to.

"Fine." You sigh to which he cheers.

He walked you to the nearest McDonald's, making small talk on the way.
You learned his name was Alfred, and he is as American as they come.
Mostly he just talked while you pushed your bike along side him.

When you arrived, you put your bike on the bike rack, and walked inside.
After telling the lady at the counter your orders you sat down, and waited for your food.

"And you'll never believe what Iggy brows said next," Alfred says with a wide smile.
You didn't even have a chance to respond before he blurted out the next part with a laugh.

As he carried on with his laughing fit, you just propped your chin on the heel of your hand and watched him with a curious expression.

He acted so open.
Like he had known you all his life.

He talked about his friends as if you knew them, and told you things about himself no one ever shares to someone that they just met.

He's a completely open book to everyone.

And he seemed to enjoy it.

Your order was brought to you, and you both began eating, Alfred still chatting about everything.

"So Alfred," you say placing the stew of your drink against your lips, "Why were your running like that in the park."

He hums, before your question clicked in his mind, "Oh!" He laughs awkwardly, "that's a funny story, dude, ya see I made Iggy brows mad and he kept trying to hit me with stuff."

He took a bite if his fifth burger and continued talk, which you found a little disgusting, but normal seeing as he's been doing this since he had started eating.

"I guess he doesn't like me calling him 'Caterpillar-Brows' ," he swallows his food, "but it's still fun to watch."

"I mean would you like being teased about your eyebrows?" You tried to put him in his friends shoes.

"Why would they do that?" He asks with a dorky smile, "No one makes fun of the hero."

You shook your head and munched on a fry. 'This idiot.'

And so the conversation continued.

Before you left the restaurant, Alfred had eaten at least ten burgers, and you kept wondering how he managed that.

He only responded with something along the lines of: "I'm the hero, I gotta get my strength up to fight the bad guys."

You assumed this was normal.

He insisted on walking you home, even as you told him you were fine.

As you walked you were a bit more open. Telling him about your pet (animal), (pets name). And about how stuck up Karen, from work is.

Just small things.

When your reached your apartment building and put your bike away. You turned to Alfred.

"Thanks," you say, "For lunch."

"No problem, dude," he laughs, "it was a fun date."

Your tensed, "A date?! You didn't say it was a date!"

He laughs akwardly, "You wouldn't have said yes if I did."

You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. This dude was slick for sure.

"At least...tell it's a date next time, okay?" You say exasperated.

"Next time?" He perks up like a dog. You could practically see an invisible take wagging.

"Yea..." You say shyly, feeling your face warm up, "Next time."

"Awesome!" He shouts doing a fist pump, "I'll pick ya up at 8 on Friday for dinner at my place, Kay?"

He didn't give a chance to respond before pressing a kiss to your cheek and leaving with a quick goodbye.

You touched your burning cheek where his lips had touched you.

'That sly mother fucker.'

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