Chapstick / Norway

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Character: Lukas Bondevik/ Norway


You and your Norwegian boyfriend, Lukas, were walking down the sidewalk as the crowd had dispersed.

There was a music festival earlier that day, and it had been very crowded.

Your left hand held your boyfriend's hand, you fingers interlocked. You had a messanger bag hung over your shoulder that carried your flute case, music, and the money you've made along with other things.

Lukas had his own bag, as well as his violin.

You smiled, and chatted casually with him while he a faint smile of his own.

You run your tongue over your lips, feeling the chapping skin.
Remember the chapstick you kept in your bag you tugged Lukas's hand.

"Hey, stop for a sec."

He did.
You dug through you bag, coming out with a (favorite flavor) chapstick.
You opened it, running it over your lips.

Lukas watched you.
His eyes following the small stick as it ran over your soft lips.

You noticed and offered it to him, "Need some? Your lips look a little chapped too."

He nodded with a small "yea."
He took it from your hand, but instead of using it he leaned forward to place his lips on yours.
You kissed back, even though it suprised you a little.

He pulled back after a few seconds and rubbed his lips together, "Hm, I guess I needed more than I thought."

He handed you back your chapstick, and began pulling your blushing self along as your brain processed what just happened.

"C'mon," he says, "I want to go home."

You shake away the zoned out feeling, and quickly match your step to his.

"Are you sure you used enough?" You asked with a hopeful look, "Your lips look dry still."

You gives you a side glace with his blue-violet eyes, and grins a little.

He pulls you around him to hold your waist, "Now that you mention it."

He kisses you again.
This time slower, and more loving.

You kiss back, feeling his pale blonde hair tickle your face as he dips you slightly.

When the kiss breaks, you lean in for more, but he releases you.
You whine a little.

"You can have more when we get home," Lukas says, "I'm ready to go home."

"Okay!" You chirp and walk a little faster than before finding a new motivation to get home.

Lukas just walked behind you, being pulled.
He smiles faintly at you, shaking his head at your new found childish behavior.

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