Blank / 2p Prussia

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Character: Gillen Beilschmit / 2p Prussia


That was what you were.

It had been a life long thing for you. You just were simply blank. You didn't think anything of it until you were in third grade.

You were sitting in class as the teacher taught you about soulmates.

"What's a soulmates?" One of the students asked. Your tea her wasn't angry at the disruption. She seem rather happy to tell about them.

"Well," the teacher started as she placed her folded hands infront of her, "A soulmate, is someone who your intended to be with. Someone who will love you forever, and who you will love in return."

You felt your whole being be pulled into her words. The idea of someone liveing you so unconditionally was something fresh out of a dream.

"How do we know who our soulmate is?" Another student asked.

The teacher smiled and pulled down the sleeve to show the words tattooed onto her left wrist, "The first thing you will hear your soulmate say is written on your wrist." She held up her's to show the class, "See?"

Everyone began looking at their worst and talking about what it said.

"Mine says 'You have really pretty hair.'!" One of your female friends, Julia, said as she touched her blonde curls lovingly.

"Look!" Your other friend, Oliver, says happily, "Mine says-"

You didn't catch the next part. You were busy staring at your own wrist. You weren't sure what to make of it. It there was nothing there. It was just smooth (sc) skin.

The teacher noticed you distressed face and joined you at your desk.
"What's the matter, dear?"

You show her your blank wrist, and look up with confused eyes, "It's blank."

You had never seen a more horrified face.

That's how it started. Your parents told you to wait a few more years, maybe it was a delay. But even as you went through life there was no words.

You had come to the conclusion you just weren't meant for anybody. No words, no soulmate.

Back when you were little your friends and peers would comfort you about you clean wrist, but as your free older they began to get vicious as most children do.

You were labeled, "The Blank". It bothered you a lot at first, but as you got older you were nukb to it.

You just covered your wrist with your hoodie sleeve and kept going on with life.

There was nothing to be done about it.

Just short of your knowledge, there was a boy around your age some distance away with the same problem.

The first time he read his wrist it mortified him.

'I fucking hate you.'

Gillen was terrified, and kept it hidden. The only people who had seen it were his younger brother, his best friend, and his father.

They were both beyond shocked.

How could his soulmate think that of him before they met?
Would he do something horrible to them? Would he be victim to a hate crime?

He had never felt so upset about anything. There was times when he would get physically sick worrying about you, and your future relationship.

He just couldn't fathom what on earth would be so wrong.

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