Imposter / Spain

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Character: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo/ Spain


You lick blood from your lip as you look down at crewmate that laid in a crumpled mess at your feet.

Francis's blonde hair framed his decapitated head, and the dark blue suit was turning purple.

You felt sick looking at him.

You hated to kill him like you did. You hated to kill any of the crewmates. They had been so kind to you over the past while you've stayed with them.

But it had to be done. You movehis body behind one of the mounds of wire, and croutch down to take the ID card from his pocket before putting it in your own.

"Francis?" You hear Arthur call, "Are you done with those wires?"

You stood, and quickly rushed to the vents, disappearing before you could get caught.

It was you first mission. The others you were here with had been on many before this voyage, but this was your very first over throwing.

You made quick work of cleaning before you finally decided to leave the vent. You pull your self from the vent, dusting off your (colour) suit.

You walk through the halls, passing by Feliciano and Ludwig.

"Ciao ciao, (yn)!" He says giving you a hug.

You hug back tightly with a smile. Even if he didn't know it, he was one of your favorite crew mates.

"Hi, Feli!" You pull away from the hug with a smile, "Have you seen Alfred? He said he had was going to med Bay but I haven't seen him?"

"We just came from there, and we haven't seen him." Feliciano says.

"I see..." You fake a worried face, "I'm going to try to find him, be careful alright?"

"Will do!"

"Why don't you let us go with you?" Ludwig asks.

You smile at him with a falsly scared face, "Really?"

He nods, and you sigh, "Thank god. I thought I was going to have to go alone.

As you all start walking Feliciano grabs both yours and Ludwig's hands swinging them as he gave a small "Ve~"

Just as you reach the cafeteria there was an alarm, and Arthur's voice yelled out.

"Francis is dead!" He yelled.

You squeeze Feliciano's hand, tears swelling in your eyes. You shouldn't be crying, but you couldn't help it. You felt horrible.

You didn't have to search hard to hear the pain and fear in Arthur's voice. He sounded so hurt, and it was all your fault.

Feliciano pulled you under his arm and you hugged him, crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay, (yn)." He comes softly as the remainder of people file into the cafeteria.

Everyone gathered around Arthur as he stood in the circle of crew mates. He looked even more hurt than he sounded previously.

"You the fuck did it?" He asks and no one answers.

"I said WHO DID IT!?"

You flinch at his voice, and Feliciano pulls you closer to him. You felt so guilty.

Arthur's green eyes search the group his eyes landing on you. You crumbled under his gaze, more tears pouring down your face.

His face flushes with rage as he storms over to you. You cling tight to Feliciano hoping he would protect you, but even he wasn't fast enough to stop Arthur from ripping you away from him.

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