Kiss Headcanons

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How they like to kiss most the time.


Alfred F Jones

- Lip, and biting kisses
He likes to be playful, but also passionate. Sometimes he'll give his s/o a nice, soft kiss on the lips that leaves them begging for more, and other times he'll have them a giggling mess as he nibbles on their neck.

Matthew Williams

-forehead and hand kisses
Our dear boy Mattie is a cinnamon roll. He's really shy, and akward but sweet. He wants his s/o to know that he loves them without being sexual.
Now don't get me wrong, he's not always shy. Remember, he is related to France.

Wang Yao

- cheek and neck kisses
He's very traditional. He finds it ungentlemanly to be lewd towards his s/o, but he still shows his affection in sweet gestures, like kissing them. Every now and then they'll get a kiss on the lips, and maybe a little more.

Arthur Kirkland

- cheek kisses and hand kisses for days
He is all about being a gentleman, and he's kind of a simp. When he kisses his s/o in public they'll never get more than a kiss on the knuckles unless he's being possesive. At home, they'll get kisses on the cheek, and occasionally on the lips. Unless it's one of those nights, then his s/o will be suffocating in kiss literally everywhere

Francis Bonnefoy

-French kisses, and hand kisses
Need I even explain why I choose french kissing?
Even though France is a sexual little shit, he still wants his s/o to be aware he isn't only after sex. He wants to prove his affection, and so he will also be very gentlemanly with them as well.

Ivan Braginski

-forehead and cheek kisses
Russia is a gentle giant when he's with his s/o. He's always afraid he'll hurt or scare them so he's very hesitant with his physical contact. Unless he's dropping rather blunt and obvious hints to others that they're off limits because they're his.


Ludwig Beilschmidt

-forehead kisses
He's so akward with romance, he rivals Canada. He still wants his s/o to know he loves them, he just doesn't know how to express it well. Be patient with this dude, he really is trying.
Even though he's akward with affection, I can't say the same for bedroom time.

*N. Italy (Veneziano)
Feliciano Vargas

-French and eskimo kisses
He's not as innocent as he seems. He knows good and well about all the passionate affections. So from time to time expect so steamy kisses. However, he is by far one of the least sexual lovers, so mostly he gives more small, cute kisses.

*S. Italy (Romano)
Lovino Vargas

-cheek, neck and lip kisses
Also a cinnamon roll, but with a bad mouth. He acts like he doesn't like his s/o, and forget about kissing, but that boy will cling to his s/o and smother them with a variety of kisses just as quick as he'll tell them to go away.
He loves to make them want more.

*Kiku Honda

-hand kisses
Very social distancy. He likes his personal space, and his s/o knows this so it's best not to get upset when he doesn't get all lovey dovey. He'll tell them he loves them, and he'll give the occasional kiss on their hand to tie it all off.

Gilbert Beilschmidt

-lip kisses and neck kisses
He's a playfully person. He can be obnoxious sometimes, but he is very observant. If he notices even the slightest negative change in mood from his s/o, he jumps right to showering them in playful affection. Anything to make them smile. He will never for a second let them forget he loves them.


*2p America
Allen F Jones

-bite and french kisses
Playfully dorky little dude. He has his moods where he's like "I want the kisses, gimme now" and then he has his "I want to make you drown in my affection"
He loves giving his s/o playful bite kisses on the neck and shoulder, don't be surprised if he makes the "nom" sound effect while doing it. Major dork.

*2p Canada
James (Matt) Williams

-forehead kisses and neck kisses
Sweet and gentle boy most the time, unless he's blowing off steam or in the mood. He finds his s/o cute and fragile and would do literally anything to preserve your innocence.
He's going to automatically see them as an innocent baby, and treat them like one. He isn't much for passionate kisses while he's at this mindset, if his s/o can show him they're not so innocent before he naturally snaps out of his set thoughts they might just break to poor man.

*2p England
Oliver Kirkland

-cheek, and neck kisses
He's a gentleman, but also a passionate lover. He loves to feel his s/o's skin on his lips, while not seeming sexual. If he seems it necessary to kiss them at that moment he will. In public? Kiss.
At the store? Kiss. While they're brushing their teeth? Kiss.
It's just an Oliver thing.

*2p France
Louis Bonnefoy

-lazy cheek or neck kisses
Once again. Not too passionate a dude unless it's sex. But that isn't all he cares for if he wants his s/o. He does his best to be an actually lover. But he isn't too good at it considering he isn't used to being one. Patience is key with this one.

*2p Germany
Siegfried Beilschmidt

-french, neck, and biting kissed
This boy loves to tease, and play. If he can get his s/o in any kind of mood he'll do it. Though he does give normal kisses he would much rather tease them. Kissing them all over and nibbling their neck and jaw is a hobby of his.

*2p N. Italy
Luciano Vargas

-passionate lip and neck kisses
Passionate boi. Hes a romantic, and a really good gentleman.
His kisses are never cold. Even if he's down to the bone pissed, and raging he'll deliver his s/o with a nice kiss.

*2p S. Italy
Flavio Vargas

-ALL kisses ALL the time, mostly playful neck biting kisses
LOVES all kinds of romantic and passionate actions. The type of kisses he gives depends on the setting and who's watching.
If he's out in public, probably a cute flirtatious kiss on the cheek, or neck if he's feeling outgoing.
At one of his shows as he's showing his s/o off, a semi passionate kiss on the lips.
At home alone it can range from random, dorky bite kisses on your face to a full on make out session on the couch.

*2p Japan
Kuro Honda

- Handsy neck kisses
He isn't really one to be lovey, so a lot of romantic kissing is out of the picture. A lot of what he knows is passion. So he puts a lot of it into the kisses he gives his s/o. He includes lots of meaningful groping, and touching as well as some very nice mouth work.

*2p Prussia
Gillen Beilschmidt

-forehead and hand kisses
He's a shy dude, but he really does try. He likes the sweet mellow romantic kisses, beacause they're not easily messed up, and it's a nice way to show his affection towards his s/o Though if he really pushes himself he can be a rather passionate lover.


Matthias Khøler

-teasing lip kisses and eskimo kisses
He's a playful person. So naturally his kisses are playful. He likes to leave you wanting more so he has an excuse to kiss you more.

Emil Steilsson

-lip kisses
He's not very skilled in the art of kissing. He doesn't know how to do a lot of anything romantic with his mouth so he likes to play it safe, and just simple lip kisses, since they're something he has a good grip on. His lip kisses can range from simple pecks to a series of slow and long kisses.

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