A Bad Love Story/ 2p N. Italy Veneziano

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Character: Luciano Vargas/ 2p N. Italy Veneziano

**Requested by @BestIrishTwat
(2p Italy x Male Reader)

Everything started off simple for you. Everything had been better than you would have wished for. The only real problem started when you met him.

Luciano Vargas.

You had been introduced over dinner by your boyfriend, who was his brother. You had been going on two years with Flavio, and he thought introducing you to his family was well overdue. So he set the date, and it went smoothly.

"Fratellino," Flavio says happily as he smiles at his little brother, "This is (yn), my boyfriend!"

You had been tucked comfortably under the blonde's arm, his hand resting on your waist as he pulls you too him almost protectively.

"It's lovely to meet you," you said with a smile, as you offered a hand to the brunette, "Flavio's told me a lot about you."

"All good things I hope." He says taking you hand for a brief, but firm shake.

"Nothing but," you assured with a soft laugh.

You had became friends right away, and Flavio was happy for it. You joined him regularly for lunch and outings to town.

Things were simple, and nice.
Nothing lasts forever, though. Simple things get complicated.

Soon you noticed the hungry looks Luciano would give you from across the room. Noticed the way he would bring his bottom lip between his teeth as his magenta eyes undressed you. At first you had been uncomfortable, but as it continued you found yourself doing the same.

Then there was the touching. The accidental brushed of his hand on yours, or the intentional misplacement of a hand during a hug.

Flavio never noticed, and so your relationship carried on, you still loved him after all. Lust and love are two very different things.

The there was a note that found its way into your pocket the night that started the whole sharade.

'Meet me in the library tonight after Flavio goes to bed. We need to talk.

You clutched the letter in your hand as you slipped into the dark library, only dimily lit by the fireplace.

You saw Luciano siting in a chair close to the fire, staring at it resting his cheek in his hand.

"Luciano?" You said quietly as you neared him, "What did you need to talk about?"

"Do you love my brother?" He asks his eyes never leaving the fire.

"I do."

"Do you love me?"

You swallow your thick saliva, "I'm afraid what I feel for you is not love."

"Then what is it?"

Your face began to warm up as his eyes finally looked at you. You didn't say anything, just held his gaze as your nerves began to tingle with excitement.

He stood from his chair, and began to walk towards you, "Is it hate? Or am I a friend? A brother?"
His breath was on your ear now making you shiver, "Maybe... Lust?"

"I can say one of them is right," you tell him breathlessly.

"I'll take a guess then."

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