Bus Stop Crush / Austria

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Character: Roderick Edelstein / Austria


Beautiful music drifted through the empty halls as you leaned against one of the brick walls. You held your binder to your chest as your leaned your head back, and smiled with closed eyes.

You felt like you were in pure bliss as you listened to the strums of piano.

You weren't technically supposed to be listening. It wasn't as if you were breaking any laws it was just that your choir practice was going to start soon, so you should be going to the practice room, not standing outside the band room.

You just couldn't help it. It was a routine of yours. You loved listening to the solo practice of your classmate Roderick. He always practiced by himself before practicing with the rest of the bamd. He played with so much emotion it made the pieces all the more beautiful to hear. You couldn't bare to pull yourself away.

You waited a little longer until the music faded out into nothing but a few last lovely notes.

"That should be enough pratice for today." Roderick says as you hear the shuffling of paper. You open your eyes, with a sigh as you push yourself off the wall.

You start walking down the hall to the join the rest of the choir with a smile smile still on your lips.

You wished you were brave enough to tell Roderick how much you liked his music, and his voice, and just him in general but alas you were not.

You had had a crush on him since grade school, but you never got up enough courage to tell him.
Besides, Roderick was a start student. Good grades, good friends, and everyone knew that Elizabeta already called dibs.
Why would he ever want anything to do with a simple choir student?

You sigh at the though, but kept smiling as the lasting calm effect of his music remained.


Choir practice ended, and you began to put away your music into your binder. You chatted with your friend Eduard as you did so.

"You did amazing today, (yn)!" The blond says making your cheeks tint pink.

"Thank you, Eddie, you did amazing as well." You give him a happy smile, "The way you hit that high note, it was breathtaking!"

He smiles with pride at your comment.

"Alright class." Your director, Mr. Vargas, says with a few clapps to get your attention, "I have an announcement!"

You turned to your director, as did everyone else as you waited patiently for the announcement.

"As you know, our school music festival is coming up, and all on you are encouraged to join for extra credit. There has been a few changes to the requirements this year." Mr. Vargas smiles at you all cheerfully and the class whispers among themselves.

"I've been talking to the band instructor, Ms. Kapursi, about a few things, and we have concluded that for every student who signed up to participate in the festival you will do in pairs. One from our group, and one from there's."

A wave of gasps and talking erupted from the class as everyone. The director made a face as the interruption.

"Pairing up? What a stupid idea..." Eduard says with distate.

"Maybe it won't be too bad." You tell him.

He gives you a look, "Why would anyone want to pair up? The festival is to show individual talent."

You give a wary smile. You agreed, but your natural urge to be optimistic fought with your distaste for the idea.

"Everyone quiet down!" Mr. Vargas says as he waves his hands, "I know this is something new, but we are trying to encourage the groups to get along better."

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