Quarantine & Social Distancing/ N. Italy Veneziano

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Character: Feliciano Vargas/ N. Italy Veneziano


"I hate this stupid quarantine!" You heard your boyfriend whine into the phone as you held it between your ear and shoulder while you cooked yourself some dinner.

"I know." You say affectionately, "It'll be over soon."

"I still don't like it." He cries.

You laugh a little.
You knew Feliciano had always been one to express his extrovertive nature, so quarantine was really getting to him.

"(yn)," he says with a little pout that you can hear throught he phone, "Can I come over tonight?"

"No, Feli."

"Why?" He practically yells.

"Because," you tell him as you stir the sauce in your pan, "1. We are supposed to be quarantined, and 2. I know for a fact if you were here you would not practice social distancing."

"I promise, I will." He begs.


He sighs, "Just don't get mad."

Your brows knit together, "what do you-"

Ding dong

The door bell rang.
You pieced two and two together.

"Feliciano Vargas," You say sternly, as you make your way to the door, "You better not be at my door right now."

Nervous laughter was heard from him. You sigh and open the door, phone still to your ear.

As the wooden door opens there stands your boyfriend with his phone to his ear, and a mask over his mouth and nose.

"Ciao." He says as he pulls his mask down to show a nervous smile.

You hang up the call and cross your arms over your chest. You tap your foot and give the Italian a stern look.

He shrinks under your gaze, trying to hold his composer.
It didn't last long.

"I'm so sorry, I know you said not to come over, but missed you so much, and I haven't seen you a lot since quarantine started and I really wanted to see you and-!" his rant got faster as he continued, becoming a mumble if words you couldn't understand.
Soon tears started rolling down his cheeks as he begged for you not to kick him out or breakup with him

You shake your head at your adorable little goofball.
He stops talking when you flick his nose gently.

"Ow!" He says covering his nose with a whine, "what was that for?"

"For not listening to me." You say simply.

He gave you puppy dog eyes and you sighed in defeat, "it's kinda late," you say, "I guess, you can stay the night, just this once."

He broke out into a bright smile, and went it hug you. You side stepped, and he went tumbling into your apartment, nearly falling.

"Hey!" He whined.

"You said you would practice social distancing." You remind him and he pouts.

You laugh and walk back to the kitchen, "Cheer up, Pasta's for dinner."

He brightens, forgetting about his recent pout and rushing to the kitchen.


You both eat pasta and carry out a conversation, half of it reminding Feliciano of social distancing.

No holding hands.

No kissing.

No hugging.

Six feet apart.

He kept pouting, but was easily distracted by the pasta or the start of a new conversation topic.

After all the pasta was gone, most of it being eaten by the joyful Italian, you washed up dishes while Feliciano went to the bathroom. You hadn't heard him leave the bathroom, or re-enter the kitchen.

You didn't even notice his presence till you felt arms around your waist, and warm breath on your neck.
You jumped, and gave a startled gasp.
When you saw the Auburn mop on hair on your shoulder you relaxed.

"Feli," You scold lightly, "Social Distancing."

"Don't want to." He says, his voice muffled my your neck.

"You promised." You remind him.

"I don't remember doing that." He smiles against your skin.

"Feliciano." You warn.

He doesn't acknowledge your time, and you sigh, realizing that he wasn't going to do anymore social distancing.
You continue washing dishes, as the Italian male hugged you gently.

You felt gentle kisses being placed on your neck and shoulder making your skin crawl with electricity. You shiver involentaryily.

"Feli, What are you doing?" You push your should back, hoping to make him stop. A fruitless move.

"Nothing." He purred.

"Social distancing." You say again.

He hums as if in thought.
"No." He picks you up off your feet from behind, and you nearly have a heart attack. You squeel I'm suprise, as he drops you on to your couch.

'Feli!" You scold, "what the he-"
You went silent as Feliciano hovered over you. You stare at him in shock as his Amber eyed gaze looks at you with hunger. And his lips parted slightly.

You had to admit he look very, very seductive at that moment.

You sink into the couch as he gets closer, and closer.

'The frick happened to this adorable little shit?! What is this fuckery?!'

As he leans down closer to your neck, you freeze. His warm breath spreads over your skin causing you to shiver as your skin turns to goose flesh.

"F-feliciano...?" You breath out with slight fear.

He playfully bites your neck making a 'nom' sound. You gasp in suprise, and he starts laughing.
Your face goes red as you punch his shoulder.

"It's not funny!" You yell at his laughing form.

He just continues to laugh, holding himself above you as you hold your neck where he bit. Your face was red with embarrassment.

"Oh, (yn)" he says as his laughter dies, "your face was so cute."

"Shut up." You hiss.

He takes your hand away from your neck, and kissed your fingers gently with a sweet smile.
He kisses your face a few times before collapsing onto you.

He buried his face in your chest, and smiles happily.

"Cuddles, Ve~" he cuddles into you, and you wrap your arms around him after composing yourself.

"This isn't social distancing, ya know." You say matter-of-fact.

"Hmm." He hums into your chest, "Don't care."

You sigh, running your fingers through his soft hair, "Silly Italian."

He gives a soft, "Ve" as a response.

'So much for quarantine' you think to yourself with a smile.

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