Far Away / Prussia

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Character: Prussia/ Gilbert Beilschmidt

**I was inspired by many songs to do this one. Not actually a song fic, but it was inspired by them.
Highway Don't care -Tim McGraw
Far Away- Nickelback
Someday- Nickelback

It isn't the original idea I had for it, but I'm glad I got it finished :)

You were done.

You were so done.

You angerly walk through the bar parking lot to your car. You bit your lip as tears lined your eyes.

You were done, and tired.

Tired of your boyfriend's stupid games, and his annoying friends, and how he changes when he's around them.

You had went on a date with your lovable dork of a boyfriend, Gilbert, after the initial date you both decided to grab a few drinks.

Mistake number one.

As you both casually drank, and talked you heard it.

"Mon ami!" "Mi amigo!"

His friends.

Your face fell, but his brightened.

His friends weren't too bad. You had nothing against them personally.
It just irritated you how they changed your boyfriend. He could be an amazing, dorky bundle of joy one minute then an obnoxious jerk the next.

You sigh heavily as the trio begin their... Whatever they do. You sat next to Gilbert, boredly sipping on your drink.

Finally after an hour of sitting through the trios drama show, you tugged on Gilbert's white button up shirt to get his attention.

He looked at you with his violet-purple eyes half lidded. Your heart leaped.

"I wanna go home, Gil." You say softly as not to make him have an outburst.

He had a snobby confused face. It made your skin crawl with spite. He was drunk and under the influence of his friends.

He always acted high and mighty towards you when his friends were around. He thought it made him look cooler if he looked dominant over you.

He never acted that way when it was just you.

"Then go." He says as if it were the most obvious solution.

"I want us to go."

"I want to stay."

You gave him a pleading look, and a bit of hesitance flashed in his eyes.

"Please," you say, "Let's go home, it's late."

He bit the inside of his cheek, glancing from you to his two friends.
You thought he was going to go with you. You thought you had won this time.

Alas, you were wrong.

He pushed the car keys into your hands, and you stared at him in disbelief.

"You can go ahead," he says with a grin, "I'll have Francis drive me the awesome me home."


He cut you off with a quick peck to your lips, before shooing you away.

And that's when you decided enough was enough.

"Whatever," you growl, "Don't bother coming home mister 'too awesome for your own girlfriend' "

You clenched your fist, and stormed out.
Now here you were.

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