Family Fights/ Spain

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Character: Antonio Fernadez Carriedo/ Spain


"Shut up!" You yell at Spain, to which he retaliates quickly.

"Why?" He says with venom laced in his voice, the smell of alcohol evident, "Because you know I'm right?"

"Shut your damn mouth!" You snap at him, "You know for a fact that its a lie. I didn't fuck that drunk bastard!"

He laugh bitterly, "Si? Then explain why you disappear all the time? Or why you never let me close to you anymore?"

"You're one to talk," you spit, "You're the one who came home smelling like cheap perfume."

Then there was more yelling.

It had been like this for hours, fighting over anything and everything.
You weren't even sure what started this argument.
Fights like this got more frequent as the months passed.

There would be a disagreement, then there was yelling.
Sometimes it dies quickly, other times its stretched. Then there's times it gets worse.
Leaving each other, saying unforgivable things, hitting.

You couldn't remember when the fighting started.
It seems like forever ago that you could be close to the brunette male for more than five minutes without trying to rip eachother's throats out.

Tonight he was livid. It wasn't entirely his fault, he had had a bit to drink while he was out. It wasn't hard to guess since you could smell the wine on his breath.
You knew how he got when he drank. He got angry. He got scary. That's why he didn't like to drink at home.

But he had come home tipsy. At first he was just going to go shower and sleep to avoid conflict. It would have been a good plan. He sleeps off the alcohol and you put Romano to bed.

Things never go simply.

Somehow, something triggered an argument and now you were here. Fighting as always.

"Since you don't seem to love me anymore why don't you just leave!" He yells at you pointing to the door.

"Fine," you yell back, "We will leave."

"We? Hey! Where the hell are you going?" He follows you as you start up the stairs.

"To pack my shit," you reply, "and get my Son!"

"Your son?"

"Yes! If I leave so does he," your jaw throbs with pain from how hard your jaw had be clenched, "I'm not leaving without him."

"Romano isn't going anywhere!"


Your wrists was pulled and you fell backwards into the Spaniard.  He held you with a strong arm coming over you chest to hold you as he caught you.
You stuggled to get out of the hold as he whispered in your ear.

"No one is going anywhere."

"Let me go!" You demand stomping his foot harshly.
His hold on you loosened just enough for you to fall away from him. You caught yourself from falling face first into a wooden stair.

You had started to move way from your spouse when he caught you in his arms again.

You fought and stuggled against the much stronger male.
You were laid against the stares as I strong, yet gentle, hand held your throat so you couldn't escape.

"You think you can just leave me!?" He was yelling at your as tears fell from your eyes, "You think you can just abandon your family?"

"Let me go!" You cried, "I'm not your family! Neither is Romano you sick fuck!"

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