First Kick / Turkey

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Character: Sadık Adnan / Turkey


You admired yourself in the mirror of your bathroom. A loving smile painted your lips as your hand ran over your bulging stomach. 

You felt the subtle movment of your baby making you chuckle a little. The baby had started moving around slightly, but hasn't done much more. You doctor told you that the baby should start kicking around the next few weeks. All you could do was wait.

"You're very active today aren't you, little love." You cooed and was left with only a very light movement in your stomach.

You pick up your shirt, which wasn't even yours, it was your husband's but you didn't really care. You had claimed most of his clothes seeing as they were comfortable, and you like comfortable.

As you tie the shirt up a little to make it look less like a dress on you, you hear the front door open.

"Prensesim!" The familiar accented voice called through the house, "I'm home!"

You smiled widely and walked as fast as you could to the meet your love. Your growing belly made it hard, but you managed to get down the hall, and into the foyer untime to greet your husband with a welcome home kiss.

"Welcome home, Prensim." You say pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He leaned down to match you height, gladly returning the gesture.

"Someone's happy to see me." Sadık says with a light chuckle as he removed his make to look at you with playful olive green eyes.
Your face warms at the look, but your hormones betray you flusteredness, and make you feel annoyed.

"Of course I am." You tell him stepping back a little, "Would you like it better if I wasn't happy to see you come home?"

"Not at all!" He says defensively as he catches the irritation behind your voice, "I just pointed it out!"

You huff, and cross your arms, "Whatever."

You turn and walk to the kitchen, stopping at the doorway to look back the the Turkish man looking at you with   sad and confused eyes.

"Make sure to take your shoes off at the door, yea?" Your tone was flat, may hung your expression, "I'd rather not have to clean the floors again today."

With that you go into the kitchen, to start on dinner.

As soon as you stepped foot out of sight, you felt guilty. You often did after you had an attitude with anyone. It wasn't like you meant to, it was your hormones. You didn't want to, it's just happened.

It was oddly amusing to you just how quick you mood changes in the passed five minutes. You had been happy then excited, then annoyed, and now saddened.

You but your lip and you grabbed a few things from the refrigerator and sat them on the counter.

When you trun around to grab the cutting board and knife one of the onions you had out of the counters fell into the floor. You sigh heavily, and place down your utensils.

Before you could attempt to bend down to pick up the fallen vegetable, Sadık had best you too it.

You watched him as he picked up the onion and extending it to you. You give the smallest smile as you take it from his hand.

"Thank you, Sadık." You tell him as you start to cut and rinse the vegetables.

You do that in silence for a moment before muscular arms wrapped around you. You tensed slightly but relaxed shortly after.
Sadık rested his chin on your shoulder, pressing a breif kiss to the crook of your neck.

You suppressed a giggle at the tickling ripple that went over your skin as his breath touched your neck.

"Are you mad at me?" Sadık asks softly running his hand over your stomach.

You place and hand on his as you carefully think out your answer. Part of you wanted to snap, another part wanted to cry, and the other to laugh it off.

"No," you say finally, "I'm not mad."

"Promise?" He says in a baby voice.

You chuckle rubbing his cheek, feeling the stubble scratch against your palm, "Yes, I promise, you big goof."

He rubbs his face against your neck and you laugh as his stubble tickles you. He laughs too.

The laughing stops when there's a sudden jerk from your stomach. Sadık's hands retract from our belly, as you let out a surprised "oh".

Your hands hold your stomach as you question what just happened. Sadık was not as calm as you were. He had turned you to face him, mildly panicking.

"What was that?" He asks panicked, "Is the baby okay? Are you okay?"

As your brain processes what happened, your lips slowly twitch into a smile.

"Sadık!" You say happily, taking his hands as you smile, "There isn't anything wrong!"

"Then what was that?" He asks, still concerned for both his wife and child's health.

You laugh at his worried face, "That was the baby's first kick!"

It took Sadık a moment to process your words. Admittedly you had never seen anything more hilarious that S adık's face as his brain peices together the events.

It seemed like a split second between standing on your own feet and being embraced and spun around by your husband as he cheered happily. You hugged his shoulders tightly as he hugged your waist gently as not to squish your belly.

When you were put back into the floor, Sadık's hand found itself against your stomach yet again as he waited in anticipation for more movement. As if sense his father there, the baby moved once again more this time.

You chuckle, and Sadık smiles. He crotches down to be level with your belly and his hand move to hold your hips.

"Hello in there little fella." He says softly to your stomach, "You have no idea how happy my and your mama are to have you."

You smile, and run your fingers through your husband's brown hair as he continues, "You just keep on growing until it time for you to come out, okay?"

Your baby moved again, as if answering the soft words spoken to them.

You couldn't help but let your chest swell in joy resulting in the tears that gathered in your eyes. You couldn't help it. You were just so happy with your little family.

Sadık noticed your joyful tears, and stands back up from croutching. He wiped the tears from your eyes and places his forehead against yours.

"Seni seviyorum güzel eşim." He says to you and you smile up at him.

"Bende seni seviyorum canım kocam."

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