~ Chapter 7 ~

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"I swear this boredom will kill me."

"You should have gone to the party then."

"Shut up Mark."

"You shut up."

"Make me."

"Sorry, but I'm already taken by Sana-"

Mark was interrupted by Haneul groaning in annoyance. 

"Sana, take your boyfriend away from me please," she said, kicking her legs on to the table. 

"Mark, leave the poor baby alone," Sana replied, walking into the living room where the two were. 

Sana and Mark were supposed to go on a date tonight but turned it down when they realized the weather would be horrible for an outdoor movie night. So instead of going home, they decided to hang out with Haneul.

"I'm not doing anything," Mark told her, hugging Sana.

"Can y'all do this somewhere else? Somewhere where I'm not present?"

"Aww, are you feeling single?" Sana asked, a smirk on her face.


"I guess it's time for you to find a boyfriend," Mark told her while he and Sana shared a look.

"Nooo," Haneul whined, causing the two to laugh.

"Why not? I know Mark's friend Lucas is single." Sana told her friend.

"I don't want a boyfriend yet," Haneul said, looking at the two before stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Sure you don't," Sana mumbled, letting go of Mark and walking towards her friend. "What do you guys wanna do today?"

"Let's find Han a boyfriend," Mark said, walking over to the girls. 

Haneul groaned as Sana just smiled and clapped her hands. "Perfect!"

"What the hell? I said no."

"So, I was thinking," Sana began, ignoring Haneul's comment. "We can go on a dating website."

Haneul looked at her friend. "Eww, no. We're not doing that. No, ma'am. No. Did I say no? Well, no."

Sana kept eye contact with her friend while she took Haneul's phone. 

"We're going to do it."


"Because, tomorrow, me and Mark are going to Canada, so we won't be here to keep you company. You have no other friends Han."

"Haneul thought about the situation. Sana wasn't wrong. She would be lonely. But did she really need a boyfriend now? Yeah, she was 21 and hadn't even had her first kiss yet. 

But she had K-dramas to keep her busy. However, she knew she couldn't live like that her whole life. 

"Fine," she mumbled, causing both Mark and Sana to smile. 

They treated her like their child. Haneul didn't have parents anymore. When she was younger, both her mom and dad died in a car crash on their way to visit her and her grandmother. 

Although Haneul tries to be happy most of the time, it really does hurt her. She really didn't have anyone other than Mark and Sana. And even though she may not show it, she's extremely grateful for the two. 

To Mark and Sana, they knew everything about Haneul. They knew the pain she feels, but they couldn't ever place themselves in her shoes. They knew she was a fighter, and that she wouldn't give up. 

And at the same time, they wanted her to find someone. Someone who could keep her happy, even when they weren't there to do that. 

"Okay, I'll put all the information in," Sana said, looking through all the boxes they had to fill out. 

The other two nodded their heads and waited. After a while, she was finally done. 

"Now we have to choose a picture," she said, looking through her phone for a good one. "All of these are kinda ugly though."

"You're uglier tho," Haneul fired back, making Mark laugh.

"Mark, you're not supposed to laugh," Sana mumbled, but ended up laughing anyway.

They finally picked a good picture, and filled in all the hobbies. Now all they had to do was wait until she found a match.

'Ding' Haneul's phone rang, indicating a new message. 

"Ooh, who is it?" Sana asked, picking up the phone. "You have no match." she read.

The room went silent, and one by one, they started to laugh. 

But then Haneul stopped. "Wait, I have no match? I'll forever be alone. But it's okay because I have dramas to watch."

"I guess online dating isn't your thing either," Mark said.

"See, I told you guys this was a stupid idea," Haneul told the others as she took the remote and clicked on the movie they were going to watch. 

"It's okay," Sana told her best friend. "You'll find someone."


I'm so happy omg

Anyways, I hope everyone is staying safe!!

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