"Can you come over?" was the words Jaemin heard before Haneul quickly hung up. Confusion washed over his face, but his mood definitely lifted.
All by a single phone call.
Well technically, his mood lifted by a person. Specifically, his one and only. His Haneul. But of course, to make sure they were on good terms, he had to go see what was up. And why she had asked him to come to her house.
Lucky for him, he still remembered where she lived.
As fast as he possibly could, Jaemin changed his clothes, (and Hajoon's too), and proceeded to leave his apartment.
"Mama?" Hajoon asked, as he saw Jaemin's mouth curve into a smile.
"Yes," he replied, walking a bit faster into the hallway, and into the elevator. He knew someone would see him with the baby, especially since it was morning, and specifically a time where everyone would be outside.
But did Jaemin care? No. He actually never did.
Eventually, the elevator came to a stop at the lobby. He got out with the baby laughing at how fast Jaemin was walking.
Some gasps were heard as he passed by, but when he left the building, there was a lot more people than he had anticipated.
And a lot of paparazzi.
Jaemin wasn't worried about what the public would think. If anything, he was more worried about how Hajoon would feel. There was way too many cameras and flashes for a baby to handle.
Hajoon's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and worry as Jaemin made his way through the crowds of people, and towards his car. And yes, it was very difficult.
After almost falling multiple times, Jaemin finally made it to his car. He couldn't help but think how disgusting the celebrity life could be. The people around was dumb enough to nearly trip him, while he was carrying a baby.
Sighing, Jaemin quickly buckled Hajoon in the carseat, and made his way to the front of the car. But before he got inside, he turned around, and gave the paparazzi a long stare.
They all turned around ashamed at his cold glare. And eventually, one by one, they left. But before that, of course, they snapped a few pictures.
Jaemin got inside his car and took a deep breath. He couldn't imagine what the public would say about this. He knew his name would be on the headlines of all news reports.
He faced Hajoon, and a small smile appeared on his lips when he realized they baby was okay. Starting the car, Jaemin drove to Haneul's apaertment, making sure no one was following them.
After what felt like hours, Jaemin finally reached her home. Parking the car, he got out, making sure to get Hajoon out too. Jaemin took out a mask and a hat, making sure he looked casually. He probably should have doe that ealier too, but oh well.
The boy gave a nod to the woman behind the desk, and made his way to the elevator. Pressing the specific floor number, he made his way to her door.
Jaemin took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. Hajoon clapped his hands in joy after realizing where he was. The baby knew what was happening. He was going to have his family back again.
Jaemin looked down, but the sudden opening of the door made him look back up. His smile faded when he realized who it was. Confusion washed over him as he looked at the woman in front of him. Definitely not the person he was hoping for.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}