Haneul and Jaemin talked for hours before they eventually became too tired and fell asleep on the couch.
It was around 2 am when they fell asleep, and by the time they were finished talking, they felt like they've known each other for so long.
Haneul told him about her parents and what had happened to them when she was younger. She told him about her friends, and how they helped her become happy again.
Surprisingly, Jaemin was a good listener and knew exactly what to tell her to cheer her up. He told her about his life when he was younger, and how he didn't like to live by the rules or the way people expect him to live.
Haneul really liked the way Jaemin listened, and the way he talked to her. It was fun, and she would talk more if she hadn't fallen asleep.
The sound of a baby crying rang through the halls, but the two didn't hear it at first.
Jaemin wrapped his arm tighter around Haneul's waist, as she moved closer to him, her leg going over his, not really wanting to wake up just yet,
But of course, neither one realized what they were doing.
The baby continued to cry, finally reaching the ears of the two who were sleeping. Haneul slowly opened her eyes, quickly jumping back after seeing how close she and Jaemin were.
Because of the sudden movement, Jaemin woke up as well and met her eyes. Haneul didn't know what to do since she'd never been in a situation like this. So she did what she thought was right.
She pushed Jaemin off the couch.
With a loud thud, Jaemin hit the ground, and rubbed his back from the impact of the fall. "Ouch."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Haneul mumbled, after realizing what she had done.
"It's okay," Jaemin managed to say, getting up. "I'm fine."
Haneul quickly stood up, and not wasting any time, she cupped Jaemin's face in her hands, inspecting him. "Are you sure you're okay? The fall was pretty hard."
She was actually kinda worried. The fall was pretty loud, and the way he rubbed his back made it look like it actually did hurt.
Haneul looked around his face, making sure he didn't hit the table which was right next to the couch.
Jaemin chuckled, taking this time to admire the girl in front of him. He looked at her eyes that were full of concern, and the rest of her face. But slowly, his eyes traveled down to her lips.
He gulped, ignoring whatever was in his head. Instead, he looked back up at Haneul and met her eyes.
She looked at him, and her breath stopped short when he stared back. The two didn't look away and kept their contact.
Jaemin felt something he's never felt before, and he didn't know what, but something made him want to close the gap between them. Looking down at her lips, he decided what to do.
He would go for it.
Slowly, he leaned in closer, slightly tilting his head. He looked up at her eyes making sure she was okay with this.
Haneul looked back at him. She knew what he was about to do, but she didn't want to move away.
There was about an inch of space between them, but before Jaemin could close the gap, the sound of the baby grew louder, knocking them both out of what they were about to do.
Haneul quickly moved back, letting go of the breath she was holding. She gave Jaemin a smile before slowly walking away.
"I'm just....Hajoon...And...Crying."
Jaemin nodded at her and gave her a smile before watching her walk off.
Neither one could believe what was almost about to happen. But of course, it was ruined.
Jaemin's eyes widened at the thoughts of what could have happened if Hajoon hadn't interrupted them. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed.
"What are you doing to me Park Haneul?"

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}