The family, Haneul and Jaemin, were all in the bathroom, trying their best to give their baby a bath.
They still weren't very good at it.
But they were trying. That's all that matters. Right?
"Um... Jaemin, that's shampoo, not soap."
"Why do they all look the same?" the boy mumbled, finally picking up the correct bottle and applying some to his hand.
He put it on Hajoon, making the baby laugh. The atmosphere went silent. But it wasn't awkward. It was more comfortable.
Haneul looked over at Jaemin who's eyebrows were pressed together indicating that he was very much focused.
She felt it rather hard to look away from him. Her eyes traveled to his eyes, then his nose, until it eventually got to his lips. She just couldn't help it. He was beautiful.
"I think you're way more beautiful though," Jaemin said, knocking Haneul out of her 'trance'.
"W-What?" she asked, but then realized that she had actually said that out loud. "Crap."
Jaemin hide the smile that was making it's way onto his lips. But soon, the aura became slightly serious as he turned to face her.
"So," he hesitated. He didn't want to ruin the moment by asking the question, but it had to be asked at one point. Might as well do it now.
"hm?" Haneul hummed, taking some shampoo and applying it onto the baby's hair.
"Is everything between us okay?"
Haneul took a breath as the smile slightly faded from her lips. Was everything okay? It sure seemed like it. But was it really?
"I mean, I think it is?" she mumbled.
"I'm sorry," Jaemin apoligized. "I should have told you about the marriage. And I shouldn't have done what I did at the cafe."
Haneul was surprised. To be honest, she wasn't even upset about that. She was more worried about losing Hajoon and Jaemin than some stupid job.
She chuckled while shaking her head. Jaemin gave her a confused glance, but she looked at him and gave him a smile.
"I'm not mad. In fact, I'm happy. And if anything, I should be the one saying sorry. I overreacted."
Jaemin gave her a small smile. "You don't have to apoligize though. It was a big deal, so no, you didn't overreact."
Haneul wanted to protest, but she knew he wouldn't let her. "You're not gonna let me win, are you?"
"No my love, I won't let you win," he blew a kiss at her before continuing to give the baby a bath.
She felt her cheeks turn pink as she helped Jaemin take Hajoon out of the bath, and wrap a towel around him.
The baby looked at the two adults, and a smile formed on his lips. Jaemin and Haneul looked at him, smiles plastered on their faces.
"Mama, papa, baby," Hajoon began, making the others slightly laugh. The baby, although he was in Jaemin's arms, held Haneul's hand, and smiled.
"F-Family," the baby mumbled.
Jaemin's eyes widened, but he relaxed when he saw Haneul's smile grow wider. "Yes Hajoon family."
Jaemin felt his heart beat faster. He finally got what he's always wanted. An actual family.
The all stayed like that for a while before decidng to get Hajoon some clothes. They brought him to the room, and dressed him up before laying him down to sleep.
Eventually, small snores were heard coming from the baby. The adults sighed in relief. They loved Hajoon to death, but sometimes, he was a lot to handle.
Haneul and Jaemin sat at the edge of the bed, not saying much, until Haneul broke the silence.
"Jaemin, what are we?"
It had been a questions that lingered her mind for a while, and she honestly didn't know.
"We can be what you want us to be," Jaemin replied, but knew that what he said wasn't right when he heard the sigh coming from Haneul.
The two sat in silence again before Jaemin finally got the courage he needed. He grabbed her hand, making Haneul look over at him.
"So like, I know this is bad timing, but will you, Park Haneul, be Hajoon's mother?"
Haneul felt her hopes going away. She thought she was already his mother. She thought Jaemin would ask her something else. Haneul was about to reply, but before she could, he interrupted her.
"And would you, Park Haneul, be my girlfriend?"
Damn, I really do be spamming with updates today-
I'M sOrRy

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}