Jaemin drove all the way back to his own apartment. He didn't want to stay because he knew what would happen if he did.
He'd probably get yelled at. And hearing those rude and inconsiderate comments from his parents was the very last things he wanted to do.
Jaemin sighed as he stopped his car at a red light. He didn't think the whole situation was over. Eun had been a lot nicer than he had thought, but for some reason, she didn't seem right to him.
He didn't know how to explain it, but he just knew he shouldn't keep close contact with her. Not like he was going to anyway.
But hopefully his parents don't call him and ask him about anything any time soon.
Jaemin looked out the window, and recalled the exact events that had occured at the house. His parents had looked like they were surprised. Obviously. He was too. But he could see something else in his mother's eyes.
Jaemin scoffed. He rolled his eyes and continued to drive when the light went green. Even if his mom felt bad for him, he wouldn't forgive her.
How could he?
His parents treated him like a puppet, and used him when they needed to get buisness related stuff done. How was he supposed to forgive them?
Jaemin continued to drive for what felt like forever until he finally arrived at his apartment. A smile made its way onto his lips when he thought of Hajoon and Haneul.
His real family.
Quickly, he parked the car and got out. He entered the building and threw a smile at the woman who was stayning behind the counter. Her heart fluttered, but she sent him one back.
I mean, it was Na Jaemin we're talking about. Everyone's heart would flutter with his smile.
He went inside the elevator, and punched in the correct floor. Waiting for a bit, the doors finally opened, revealing a hallways painted with different colors.
Jaemin got out and walked over to the door that led to his own home. The boy took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
He waited patiently at the door, and chuckled when he heard the sound of a baby. Hajoon really did make Jaemin happier than he had ever been.
And he was grateful beyond anyone's imagination.
Finally, the door opened, revealing Haneul.
"You're back-"
But she was interrupted by Jaemin pulling her into a hug.
She was confused to say the least, but of course, she hugged him back.
"Are you okay?" Haneul asked, concern washing over her face.
"Just perfect," Jaemin mumbled against her skin, before pulling away and giving her a small smile.
But she wasn't convinced. Haneul knew something was wrong, but didn't think Jaemin would tell her no matter how many times she asked.
"Jaemin, I know something's up. What happened at your parents house? What did they say?"
Jaemin walked over to the baby that was sitting on the couch. He gave Hajoon a quick kiss on the forehead before the baby's eyes lit up.
Jaemin's smile became wider, and he ruffled the boy's hair. Turning towards Haneul, he gave her one last smile before walking up the flight of stairs to his room.
"I promise, everything is fine."
Haneul groaned, but decided to not pressure him for any more details. He'll tell her when the time is right.
Jaemin didn't really know why he didn't tell his girlfriend about everything that had happened. He just couldn't bring himself to say the words.
Hajoon is his biological son.
He was just too nervous to see her reaction. Jaemin groaned, and sat on his bed. He'll have to tell her eventually.
Just, not now.
And I oop-

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}