~ Chapter 36 ~

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Haneul let the tears flow down her face. She had just packed all her office things and was currently walking back to her house. Plus it was raining. What a way to make her day worse. 

People gave her strange looks, but she just ignored them. It's not they matter to her anyway. 

Jaemin had tried to call her for a while now, but she didn't want to pick up. Truthfully, who would answer? She was sure he knew he was going to get married. Would his dad keep that big of a secret from him?

Haneul managed to walk back to her apartment, not bothering to greet or talk to anyone at the moment. She was afraid that she would take her anger out at them as say something she'd regret.

She went up to the elevator and got off when it stopped at her floor. She took the keys from her bag and opened the door. After coming inside, she dropped the stuff in her hands onto the ground, not caring about them anymore. 

She let the sobs she was holding in escape from her lips as her back hit the door. Haneul slid down to the floor, trying hard to control the tears, but it was going to happen any time soon. 

She pulled at her hair and wiped her tears away, but they continued to flow. She was officially fired from the only job she had. And the only one that paid decent enough. 

Maybe if she had someone else, it wouldn't hurt so bad. But Haneul was alone in this world, she had absolutely no one to talk to. She didn't want to burden Mark and Sana with her problems, so she couldn't really tell them. 

Her phone rung again, knocking her out of her thoughts. She took it out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID. 

Na Jaemin

Haneul scoffed before declining the call and throwing her phone across the floor. She tilted her head back, looking at the ceiling before her tears started to flow again. How was she going to live now?

Her phone started to right again and again, but she just left it there, too numb to go and pick it up. 

Haneul eventually got up from her position and went to straighten up her office things. She threw her papers in the trash, feeling her heart breaking every time. 

She couldn't believe that her entire future was all messed up because of one boy. He'd told her he wouldn't allow his father to fire her, but where was he when he did?

She hated herself for how stupid and gullible she was. Why would she trust him in the first place? 

She finally threw everything away, and sat on her couch, not having the energy to do anything. Her phone rang once again, but this time, she actually went to pick it up. 

But this time, it wasn't Jaemin. 

She answered the phone quickly, but her tears started to fall once more. 

"Hey, Han! Wait, are you crying? What happened, are you okay-" but the caller was interrupted.

"Sana," Haneul managed to say.  "I really need you right now."

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