Jaemin sat in his car, hoping he would get a call from Haneul. He had just left her apartment and just stayed in the driveway of his building, not wanting to get out. And to make things better, it was raining.
He hated himself at the moment. Why did his dad have to do what he did? Why couldn't Jaemin tell Haneul about the marriage beforehand? After thinking about it, he realized that a lot of this was his fault.
Jaemin hit his head against the steering wheel, shutting his eyes. Now, everything was ruined. Why'd he go and kiss her? He didn't have any right to do that. And if he could go back in time, he wouldn't have kissed her. No matter how much he wanted to.
Jaemin was usually confident in most things. At least, that's what everyone would say. But in reality, he wasn't. He was just trying to hide the fact that he wasn't happy at all.
He let a tear slip out of his eyes as he thought about his life. Was he happy with the way he was living? Definitely not. Even from his childhood, he had to watch what he was doing and had to ask before he did anything. He could barely do anything without getting into trouble.
He felt like he was living in the life of his parents more than his own. He was already 22, and couldn't fall in love without his parents and the public chasing after him.
Sometimes he just wished he wasn't Na Jaemin.
But the only things that made him feel happy, made him feel human, was Haneul and Hajoon. They taught him how a family was supposed to act. And he had to go and ruin everything.
And before he knew it, more tears escaped his eyes. Jaemin sat in his car, not worried over the constant calls from Chenle and Jisung.
He just wished that at least one of those calls was from Haneul.
Eventually, the tears began to stop as he took a deep breath, and tilted his head back, looking up.
The rain was still pouring, so it didn't really help him lift his spirits. It's not like anything would make him feel better anyway.
Finally, he got out of his car, and walked inside the lobby, not caring about getting wet from the rain. He walked slowly, not in any rush to get back to his apartment.
Jaemin walked up the flights of stairs, and finally ended up at his floor. He walked to his door and knocked twice before hearing mumbling coming from the other side.
Chenle opened the door, and the look of anger and disappointment washed from his face when he saw how Jaemin looked at the moment.
"Hyung, are you okay?" he asked, moving aside to let Jaemin in.
Jaemin ignored the question and walked straight to his bedroom. Luckily Hajoon had fallen asleep, so there was no need to take care of him now.
"Na Jaemin, come back here. You're not okay. Let me know what's wrong," Chenle knocked on the bedroom door, hoping to get a reply. But stopped when he realized he wouldn't.
Upon hearing the door, Jisung, who was in the kitchen, walked over and looked at Chenle.
"What happened?" he asked.
Chenle nodded his head no and shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know. But it's not good."
Jisung tried to call Jaemin out of his room, but nothing happened. It's not like he would open the door anyway.
"I wish Renjun Hyung was here. He'd know what to do," Jisung replied, frowning.
If Renjun was here, Jaemin would have told him everything, and he'd have a solution. But sadly, he was in China, visiting his girlfriend.
The two boys stayed there, thinking about what to do until Chenle got an idea.
"Wait, what about Haechan Hyung and Jeno Hyung?"

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}