Jaemin's mouth curved into a slight smile as he looked at the girl next to him. Had he forgiven her? There was really no need to. He was never mad at her in the first place.
And the fact the she still wanted to be with him, even after all the times he made her cry, really made him glad. He was happy mostly because he got his one and only back. Well hopefully.
Jaemin looked over at Haneul who was playing with her fingers, and looking away. He held her hands, making her quickly turn her head towards him.
"I don't want to forget everything that happened with us," he began. "Well, the good parts anyway."
This made Haneul smile too.
"But, yes. Let's start over. But I have one question. Do you forgive me?"
Haneul rolled her eyes, but the smile still danced on her lips. And instead of answering with her words, she pulled Jaemin close, not wasting any time to connect their lips together, and close the gap between them.
Jaemin couldn't help but get shy all of a sudden. He could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks, but it didn't matter, because Haneul felt the same way.
Her hands went to his hair, while his stayed at her waist. They forgot about everything else for a minute, but at the moment, nothing else mattered.
They pulled away, looking into each other's eyes, and foreheads still touching.
"You're probably wondering how your mother and I are close," Haneul told him, breaking the silence.
Jaemin nodded, but he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
"Well," she began. "She came earlier, and told me everything. I didn't understand how much pain you were in too. I should have listened. I'm sorry Jaemin-"
But she didn't have time to finish. Jaemin smashed his lips against hers once again. And that's when she knew he forgave her too.
They continued to stay in the same postion, but it became a little less PG. But definitely not over the limit. And they would have continued too.
But someone had walked in.
"Uh oh-"
The two pulled away much earlier than they would have liked to. They turned their heads to the door, and was greeted by Hajoon. His suprised expression made them laugh, but Jaemin for one, was still slightly annoyed.
But of course, he can't stay mad at Hajoon for long. Especially when he was one of the best things to happen in his life.
"Hajoon no," but Mrs. Na, who was runnig inside the room, was too late. "Oh-"
There was a couple second of silence before the group broke out into laughter. Except for Hajoon. He didn't really know what was going on.
Jaemin pulled Haneul closer, his hand going around her waist. Mrs.Na carried Hajoon up while he played with her necklace.
"I love you," Jaemin wispered, earning an eye roll from Haneul.
"I love you too," she mumbled, pushing him away. But of course that didn't last long. Jaemin went right back to his position, hand around her waist.
"I guess you two made up?" his mother asked as their eyes went to her. Haneul's cheeks flushed in color, and so did Jaemin's.
He gave his mother a smile, and that already gave her the answer she needed. The room became quiet, and he didn't know why, but the atmosphere turned much more serious. Also within just seconds.
"I'm guessing you didn't tell him about that?" Jaemin's mother asked, directing her question to Haneul.
She shook her head no, and looked up.
Breaking the silence, she gave her a small smile, and mumbled."I think it's best if you do that"
So I realized if I continue writing a lot this weekend, there's a chance that I'll finish this book :((
I'm kinda sad tbh 😔

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 ↷ na jaemin.
Fanfiction❝ where the hell did this baby come from?? ❞ II ceo au! :: © nana_hyuck {2020}