Chapter Ten: Bored in the Lair

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Mikey sat alone in his room, not knowing what to do to pass the time. He wanted to draw something, but he didn't know what, and his new case of art block wasn't exactly helping the matter. He wanted to also cook something, but he didn't feel like cleaning up afterward, and he knew that Splinter wouldn't take the mess lightly. The box turtle sighed, not knowing how to spend his time. He then got an idea, and left him room, making sure to bring his kusari-fundo.

Mikey walked to his purple brother's lab, knowing that the softshell was bound to be inside. He saw Donnie working on some kind of coding, and by the look of his face, it seemed that Donnie was bored too.

"Hey Dee," Mikey said with a smile. "What are you up to?"

Donnie looked up from his computer and smiled at his artistic brother. Even if he was in a bad mood, just looking at his younger brother tended to cheer him up.

"Hey Michael," Donnie said as he turned off his computer, making sure to save the code that he was working on. "What's up? Do you want me to model for you?"

Mikey shook his head. "Not today, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the junkyard with me. I'm pretty bored, and since you seem bored too, I figured you would want to go."

Donnie smiled at Mikey. "Sure," he said as he stood up from his chair. "I need to look for some parts anyway."

Mikey jumped with joy as they both headed for the exit of the lair. He knew his brother would say yes, and maybe he could find something to boost up his inspiration for his art.


The two brothers searched the junkyard for their own pleasurable items, making sure not to go too far away from each other. You never know what kind of scary mutant would be at the junkyard. This was one of the reasons Mikey didn't want to go alone; he didn't want to get ambushed by some mutant, plus his brothers said he couldn't go anywhere without at least one of them with him. Mikey had argued in the past that he was old enough to be out by himself, but after Raph had told him that his word was final, he just reluctantly agreed. But he didn't really mind as much; he liked spending time with his brothers, especially his soft-shelled brother.

Mikey was currently searching for some paintbrushes since he was running low on them at home. He was also wanting to find some paints, but he knew that it would be rare to find paint that wasn't old in the junkyard. He had found some paintbrushes that were in decent shape, and he put them in the bag that he had brought. He was going to search for some colored pencils when he stumbled on something way better.

"Whoa!" he said as he reached out to grab the spectacular item. "Hey Donnie, come look at this!"

He soon heard the clatter of Donnie's robotic arms coming closer to him.

"What'cha find Michael?" Donnie asked his younger brother.

"Well, I found this box," Mikey started. "But it's what's inside that's awesome."

As Mikey opened the box, Donnie's eyes widened at the items inside.

"Wow," Donnie said as he grabbed them. "Are these the limited edition Jupiter Jim action figures?"

"Yep," Mikey said with his eyes full of happiness. "And look what else I found!"

He pointed over to the pile beside him, and he revealed to his brother the Jupiter Jim comics on top of the pile.

"This is amazing," Donnie said.

"Right?!" Mikey said with glee. "I mean, why would people throw this out?"

"I don't know," Donnie said. "But it's a great find for us."

The brothers kept searching around the junkyard for items that they might have wanted, and soon found what they were looking for. Mikey found some pieces of jewelry, but he only cared about the gems on them. He was going to use them later for an art piece. Donnie had found some rare pieces of machinery that he couldn't wait to use. As they headed back to the lair, Mikey's head was flooding with new ideas for his art. He had even found some cool cooking utensils, and with a nice cleansing, he would be able to use them later. The box turtle smiled all the way back home, happy with what he found, and happy to share another experience with his brother.

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