Chapter Thirty-Three: Just Dance

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He always loved to dance.

He didn't know why, but whenever he heard upbeat music he just had to dance along to it, even if it was just tapping his feet. He was drawn to the art of dancing; though he mainly did it when no one was in the room. He didn't want his brothers to see him. He wasn't shy about it or anything, but he just didn't want to hear their comments about his dance moves.

Right now though, the purple masked turtle was working in his lab quietly. He was listening to music as he did, bobbing his head slightly to the tune. It was quiet at the moment in the lab, that is until he heard footsteps approaching him. He sighed as he turned around and saw who the culprit was. He wasn't surprised when he saw that it was his twin, and Leo smiled as he walked closer to the genius.

"What do you want, Leon?" Donnie groaned as he paused his music.

"We're all gonna play on the Wii for a while," Leo responded as he looked at what Donnie was working on. "Wanna join?"

"Not really," Donnie replied as he shut off his computer, making Leo huff in response. "I have a lot of work to do today."

"You won't even stop to play your favorite game?" Leo asked with a grin. Donnie looked up at the slider with a raised eyebrow as Leo's smile only got bigger.

"I thought you guys didn't like Just Dance?" Donnie asked him; trying to see if his twin was hiding something.

"I mean, they don't," Leo said with a shrug. "I kinda like it. I don't dance as often as you do, but they have some good songs on there."

"So you just want me to play with you guys?" Donnie questioned. "No strings attached?"

"Yeah," Leo smiled. "It's been a while since we all played the Wii together anyway. And I'm kinda getting tired of playing Mario Kart since Mikey keeps winning."

"Yeah, I don't know how he's so good at it," Donnie replied.

"I know right?!" Leo exclaimed. "I swear he's cheating or something."

Donnie smiled softly as he looked at his brother.

"Alright, I'll come and play with you guys," he said as he stood up from his chair. "I guess I could use a break from my work."

"Great!" Leo said as he followed the genius out of the room. They walked into the living room just as Mikey was setting up the game.

"Just in time," Raph said as he handed the twins their Wii remotes. "We just put the game in."

"I still don't understand why we can't play Mario Kart..." Mikey huffed as the game's loading screen played on the TV.

"You win every time," Leo groaned. "It gets tiring after the first ten races we play."

The screen finally loaded as Leo began to scroll through the songs. He stopped at one and smiled as his brothers began to groan.

"Dance Monkey?" Mikey said once Leo clicked on the song. "Seriously?! This song is played out too much!"

"So?" Leo asked. "It's a good song."

"It really isn't," Donnie remarked as he got into position.

"Look, you can choose the next song," Leo told them as the music started to play. 
"But for now, we're doing Dance Monkey."

Once the song began, the four turtles began to dance. Leo and Donnie were neck and neck in points as Raph lacked behind with Mikey in the middle. Raph huffed as he kept getting the moves wrong, earning a chuckle from Leo.

"Now I remember why I hated this game..." Raph groaned as he tried to get back on track. "I could never get the moves right."

"It's not that hard," Leo laughed. "Just follow what's on the screen."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Raph huffed; slowly getting fewer points as the games progressed. 

A couple of seconds had passed once the three turtles heard Mikey humming along to the song.

"I thought you said you didn't like the song?" Donnie asked, not once taking his eyes off the screen.

"I don't," Mikey sighed. "It's a catchy song, and I can't help but hum along to it."

The song ended with Donnie winning the game, Leo coming in close behind him. Mikey came in third and Raph was in last place as he let out a groan.

"I'm regretting playing this game now," he said with a sigh.

"I'm sure you'll do better in the next round, Raph," Mikey smiled.

"Alright, what song are you choosing, Don?" Leo asked as he nudged his twin.

"I'm not too sure," Donnie responded as he scrolled through the songs. "There are so many good ones."

He paused on one and lightly smiled as Mikey cheered with glee.

"Yes, this is one of my favorite songs!" he exclaimed. "Well, this and Finesse."

"I should have known you would pick this song," Leo chuckled. "But I have to agree with Mikey. 24K is a good song."

The brothers got into position again as the song began to play. They danced through the song; occasionally grunting if they messed up a move. Once the song ended, Leo had won, and Donnie and Mikey tied for second. Once again, Raph had come in last.

"Are you serious?!" he groaned. "I was so close to beating you guys."

Mikey chose his song next, ending up choosing Finesse. Once they had finished the song (with Leo and Donnie tying for first), it was Raph's turn to choose one. He went with Wake Me Up claiming that he like the upbeat and happy tune. He came in second place surprisingly, with Donnie coming in first and the others tying for third.

"Alright, time to change it up a bit!" Leo announced. "We're gonna dance in pairs and see who can do it better. I'll go with Donnie first."

"You're on Leon!" Donnie said with a smirk. They chose the song Timber and got into position. The song started with Leo in the lead as the two other turtles laughed at the dance moves that played on the screen. As the song came to an end, Donnie had beaten the slider by a couple of thousand points.

"I call hacks!" Leo shouted as the game ended. "There's no way you won that!"

"Donnie's just a better dancer than you Leon," Mikey said as he patted the slider's shoulder. "Now you two step aside, Raph and I are gonna play now!"

Mikey and Raph stepped up and chose a song. Mikey decided to play Sugar and he looked in confusion as Raph began to object.

"You know this song is like a couples dance, right?" he asked the box turtle.

"Yeah, but I like the song," Mikey answered. "I'm sure the dances aren't that bad."

Once the screen started up, the two turtles began to dance. Like Raph had said, this dance was mainly for a couple, and Mikey danced in shock.

"We can choose a different song if you want," Raph told him. 

"No, it's fine," Mikey answered. "We have to finish it."

They finished the song while laughing as they looked at the scores. Mikey had won this round, and Leo stepped over and high-fived his brother as he began to speak.

"Alright, one more group song," he told the group. He grabbed his Wii remote once again and chose the song That Power as everyone else smiled.

"A classic," Donnie chuckled. "Nice pick, Leon."

"Thanks," Leo responded with a smile. They danced to the last song even if they were all tired, but they enjoyed it. Mikey won with Donnie coming at second, and Raph and Leo tying for third.

"Man, I'm tired," Mikey said with a stretch. "Just Dance can be tiring."

"Yeah, but it was fun," Leo smiled. "I honestly didn't think that Donnie was gonna join us though."

"I needed a break," Donnie responded. "Plus I haven't played this game in a while."

Just Dance was a way to get out of reality for the turtles; even if they all weren't as good as their genius of a brother. They enjoyed playing together, and anything was better than losing at Mario Kart for the twentieth time.

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