Chapter Eight: Everyone's Favorite Subject

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Baldi's Basics...

That's the game that he was playing. He had installed it onto the family computer and wasn't having such a great time on it. He would solve the first three problems easily, earning him a shiny new quarter for a reward. But when he would go to the second notebook; he would expect the problems to be easy, but get a weird scribbled question last minute. He tried every possible answer for that one math problem, but every time he would try, he would get it wrong. This, in turn, made Baldi angry, and he was able to hear every door the mutant slider opened, causing Leo to be a bit frightened. He had thought this was going to be an easy game to play, but because of the lack of Youtube videos about the game, he had been completely clueless about what the game was actually about. After the many jumpscares and the number of times he was sent to detention, he was starting to get frustrated.

"Are you serious?" he shouted in defeat once he got caught again. "How am I supposed to beat the game with the stupid principle catching me every five minutes?!"

His character had to wait a total of 30 seconds before he was able to get out of the room. That wasn't a long time, but instead of being in this room, he could be collecting notebooks! His time was running out, and since he was on his fourth notebook, there was no doubt that the weird teach known as Baldi was looking for him. He could hear the slapping of Baldi's ruler getting closer, and as he walked around in the room frantically, sweat began to come onto his head as he started to worry. He could see Baldi in the window, and just when he was able to leave, Leo booked to the door. This action was too late however, for Baldi had come into the room just as he was leaving, ending the game right there.

"No!" he shouted. "I only needed three more notebooks!"

He sat at the desk staring at the computer, a frown on his face. He then got an idea in his head, and he headed over to the lab to seek help from his twin, hoping that he could solve the weird problem faster. As he walked into the lab, he saw Donnie working on one of his battle shells.

"Hey Donnie," he said with a smile. "How's it going?"

Donnie looked at him and raised his eyebrow. He stopped working, wondering why the slider had interrupted him.

"So I was wondering," Leo continued, not getting a response from his last question. "If you could help me with something..."

Donnie still hadn't said anything to Leo in the time that he had come into the room. Leo was wondering if his brother was going to say anything at all, and was beginning to get frustrated with the silence.

"What is it?" Donnie finally said. "Because as you can see, I'm clearly busy with something."

Leo smiled at the response. "I know, and it will only take a second. I'm playing this game on the computer, and I can't solve one of these problems."

Donnie sighed as he put down one of his tools. He began to walk out of the room, a very thankful Leo following him.


"So it's a math game?" Donnie asked as he sat down in front of the computer. "Since when are you interested in math?"

"I'm not," Leo responded. "But this game seemed cool, so I decided to download it."

Donnie clicked play on the computer, starting the game back up again. He saw Baldi first before he saw the setting of the school. He looked at Leo confused, earning a shrug in response.

"Don't question it," is all that the blue masked turtle said. "I was confused too..."

Donnie turned back to the game and walked into one of the classrooms. It took him a while to understand the controls, but he walked up to one of the notebooks without a problem. He opened up the notebook and wasn't surprised when he saw easy problems on the screen.

"Is this what you needed help with?" he said as he answered the problems. "Cause, I know you aren't that smart, but I'm sure you understand basic math."

Leo scoffed at Donnie. "No! This isn't it. Trust me, the problems get harder."

Donnie walked out of the classroom as he saw that Baldi was outside of it. There was a quarter beside him, so he grabbed it and as it went into his inventory, he walked into the next room. Leo had told him that he needed to collect seven notebooks to beat the game, and so far it had seemed pretty easy. He was already on his second one, and he solved the first two problems with ease but when he looked at the third problem, he hesitated. He stared at the screen confused.

"How am I supposed to solve this?" he said as he looked up to Leo. "I can't see what it says."

"That's what I said!" Leo told him. "I just put in a random number every time, but it was wrong."

Donnie looked back at the screen and typed in a random number. He saw on the bottom left that Baldi had begun to get angry.

"That's not good," Donnie muttered.

"Ok, so I wasn't actually expecting you to get that wrong..." Leo said. "But anyway, now that you did get it wrong, Baldi's kinda mad."

"I can see that," Donnie said.

"Which means he's gonna chase you with a ruler, so you'd better run."

Donnie sighed as he moved his character out of the room. He should have known that this wasn't going to be a simple game. He started to run in the halls, not knowing that there was a man following him. A few seconds later, he was put into the room for detention.

"What happened?!" he shouted.

"Oh yeah," Leo said. "I forget to tell you that you can't run when he's around. He tends to put you in detention. So now you have to wait for fifteen seconds until you can get out of the room."

"I'm starting to think you aren't telling me a lot of things," Donnie said as he moved his character around the room. Once he was able to get out of the room, he ran out, making sure that the principal wasn't around. After getting four notebooks, he was beginning to think that Baldi was nowhere to be seen. He got two more notebooks and was about to get the last one when Baldi rounded the corner.

"Use your soda!" Leo shouted. "It pushes Baldi back."

Donnie did as he was told, sending Baldi back a couple of feet. He completed the last notebook, and just as he did he heard shouting come from the game.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"I'm not too sure," Leo replied. "I never got this far. But judging by what Baldi said, I think you have to find the exit."

Donnie moved his character around, looking for an exit. He did find one, but it turned out to be a fake, making his look around for more. There were tons of fake exits, and as he walked around Baldi began to get closer. He was about to try another exit when Baldi caught him. Both turtles groaned in defeat.

"Dang it," Donnie said. "I was so close."

"Well, you know what you're doing now," Leo said with a smile. "So just try again!"

Donnie sighed as he clicked the play button again. He wasn't going to get to finish his battle shell anytime soon, but he had to admit, this game was a good time killer.

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