Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Tooth Incident

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Ok, so I'm pretty sure the tooth thing was supposed to happen when the twins were young... but I think writing it at the age they are now is way funnier, so here you go. Also, next chapter gonna be an angst one, so stay tuned for that :D!

Coolkat :3


He'd been up for hours now.

Insomnia was the worst at times, but it was so much of a routine by now that he didn't fight it. At this point it felt like a part of his nightly schedule. He laid in his bed and decided to turn on music to get his mind off sleeping, but he heard a noise before he could grab his phone.

He sat up im his bed amd tilted his head in confusion. The lair fell silent once again, and he shrugged his shoulders as he laid back down and grabbed his phone. He was about to plug his headphones in when he heard the noise again.

"What is that?" He questioned himself. He sat up again and listened; the noise coming back once more. He listened for it again, and it sounded like someone was...whimpering?

Leo threw the covers off of him and walked out of his room, trying to find out who the culprit was. He followed the sound and found himself standing outside of Donnie's lab.

Donnie? He thought to himself. Is he ok?

He walked into the lab slowly; prepared to attack if someone was after his twin. He only saw his brother inside though, but he appeared to be holding his cheek. Leo looked in concern; a frown slowly appearing on his face.

"Donnie," he said quietly. "Are you ok?"

The genius turned around and looked at his brother. He let go of his cheek, but quickly put his hand back after wincing. Leo walked toward the softshell; scared that something had happened to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Donnie said as he let go of his cheek again. "This loose tooth has just been bothering me for the past few days."

"Oh," Leo replied. "Have you taken medicine for it?"

"I have," Donnie told him. "But it only works for an hour before my tooth starts aching again."

"I know how you feel," Leo responded. "I've dealt with many loose teeth that have done that to me."

It went silent in the lab for a while; the sound of machine whirling softly in the background. Leo then looked at his brother; and idea slowly forming in his head.

"Hey, I know," he said with a grin. "What if I help you out?"

Donnie looked at Leo, slowly starting to raise an eyebrow.

"How so?" He asked the slider.

"I can pull it out for you," Leo said. "I have experience with pulling out teeth."

"I don't think that's something to be proud of," Donnie remarked. "Wait, who's teeth have you pulled out before?!"

"It doesn't matter," Leo waved of his question. "But if you don't want that tooth to be hurting, I'm the guy for the job."

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