Chapter Thirty-Six: The Wasp Problem

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It had been a pretty regular day for the turtles. Usual mutants had come and they fought them (they didn't understand why the villains had such a grudge over them, but it didn't matter at the moment); the turtles winning every battle. The brothers had also gone and gotten pizza from their favorite restaurant; getting kicked out in the process (Leo had apparently done SOMETHING, but before the others could realize what, they were all thrown out by Hueso).

All in all, a pretty normal day.

But that all was soon interrupted when Leo spotted some mutant going into a warehouse.

"I think it went this way," Leo said as he stopped in front of the building's doors.

"What even was that thing?" Mikey asked.

"I'm not too sure," Donnie replied as he tapped into his wrist communicator. "It looked to be like some mutant bug."

Leo opened the warehouse's doors slowly as he walked inside, his brothers following after him. Raph closed the door once everyone got in and he began to speak.

"Split up and look for it," he told them. "If you find anything, call out."

His brothers nodded as they began to look around the building. Leo checked the left side of the warehouse and looked cautiously, making sure that the bug couldn't sneak up onto him.

He didn't see anything for a while, and he started to think that maybe his brothers were having more luck with the bug.

He turned the opposite way and began to walk to the center of the room. His brothers must have found something by now.

The slider then jumped once he felt a sharp pain on his arm.

"Ow!" He yelled as he looked over at the wound. He saw the long stinger that was latched onto his arm and groaned in disgust as he looked up at the culprit. Staring back at him was a large looking wasp, and by the looks of it, the insect was getting tired.

Leo didn't hesitate any longer. He took out his sword and sliced the wasp in half, backing up as it fell to the ground.

"Eh..." He said as he looked at his arm again, grimacing once he saw the blood coming out. He looked at the now-dead wasp and groaned again.

"Why does this stuff always happen to me?"

"Guys, I don't see anything!" He heard Mikey call out.

"Me neither," Donnie responded.

Leo decided to walk towards Donnie's voice since he seemed closer, and because he would know how to fix this. He spotted the softshell and smiled, wincing slightly as the pain came back to his arm.

Donnie looked over to his twin and his eyes went wide as soon as he saw the stinger.

"What happened?" Donnie asked as he walked over to Leo.

"I found the bug," Leo replied while pointing to his arm. "Or rather, it found me. It was some kind of mutant wasp."

Donnie looked at Leo's arm before speaking again.

"Don't move," was all that he said.

"What do you mean don't- OW!" Leo yelled as Donnie pulled out the stinger. "Seriously?!"

"Look, I gave you a warning," Donnie rolled his eyes. He inspected the stinger as Leo rubbed his arm in pain.

"Where's the wasp now?" He asked.

"Over there," Leo pointed over to where he was standing before. "But it's dead. I killed it."

The softshell began to type into his wrist communicator again, and he pulled up an article. He swiped up to make it a hologram, gesturing Leo over to look at it.

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