Chapter Twenty-Seven: Go-Kart Krazy

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New chapter time! Also, this and a couple of other chapter will have small spoilers from the rottmnt episode, so proceed with caution.

I have a ton of new and funny chapter ideas, so I hope you enjoy (also if you didnt know, this book has gained over one thousand views! I just want to say thanks to all of you guys again for reading it, and I'm so happy that you enjoy this book)!

Coolkat :3


He'd been drawing for quite some time now.

Sure, he loved art, but it was kinda getting boring. Of course, he would never give up drawing or anything like that, but there's only so many things you can draw at one time. It felt like the box turtle would soon get art block, and he hated it with a passion. How was he supposed to express himself if he couldn't draw?

Well, there were other things he liked as much as art; yeah, cooking was one of them, but he wasn't thinking about that at the moment. Mikey was always so good at Mario Kart, and he kinda wanted one of his own.

Yeah, he wasn't old enough to own a real car; or drive for that matter, but something about cars always made the box turtle feel drawn to them. There was no way he could buy a kart; they were too expensive, and he would have to go topside and get it (even though he was sure he could go out in plain sight, the humans just didn't seem to care about mutants as much as they used to). He wanted it to be one of his own, something that screamed razzmatazz.

The orange masked turtle then got an idea. He could make one by himself! But... That took time and experience, and he wasn't what you could call the handy turtle. That was meant for the genius of the family.

He then realized... Donnie could make him one. He was always the engineer and the more technical turtle. Surely he could build a go kart!

If Donnie was gonna build him a kart, he was gonna need a blueprint, and Mikey was good at making them. He began to draw a sketch of his new ride, making sure to add lots of orange stickers to make it his own. Once he was done, he stared at the drawing with amazement. He grinned as he stood up and walked to the lab; excited for his new vehicle that would soon be made.

"Hey Donnie~" he sing-songed into the lab; smiling as he saw his older purple brother. He made sure to hide the drawing behind his back so that the softshell didn't see it too early.

"Do you have a moment?"

The said turtle turned in his chair and smiled lightly at his younger brother.

"Sure, Michael," he replied. "What do you need?"

Mikey walked over to the genuis and grinned, making Donnie raise an eyebrow at the unexpected boost of happiness.

"So..." Mikey began as he continued to smile. If he was gonna do this, he was gonna sell his point in the right way. "You know how I'm so good at Mario Kart?"

"Yeah...?" The purple masked turtle responded; his eyebrow still raised.

"Well," Mikey said as he placed the blueprint down on the softshell's desk. "I was wondering if you could build me a Go-Kart. I'll even help you too so that it looks the way I want it, which in turn gives us more bonding time!"

Donnie stared at the blueprint for a couple of seconds.

"Sure," he said after a while.

"Ok, I understand-" Mikey started. "Wait, for real?! You'll really build me one?"

"Yeah," Donnie said with a grin. "I need a break from working on my stuff anyway. It shouldn't take too long to find stuff to make it at the junk yard."

"Ohmigosh, yes!" Mikey beamed, earning a chuckle from his older brother.

"Alright," Donnie replied as he stood up from his chair. "Vamonos... Or whatever it is Leo says."

Mikey walked out of the lab beside Donnie, jumping for joy as they headed to the junkyard.


They came back to the lair an hour later and got to work. Mikey explained his blueprint so that Donnie could make it the way he wanted it; making sure not to leave out the stickers.

"You want those on the kart?" Donnie asked. "I thought you just did that to decorate the blueprint."

"Yep," Mikey answered. "I have some stickers that we can use in my room."

It took a couple of hours, but the Go-Kart was soon built. Mikey stared in awe as Donnie looked at it while nodding slowly.

"Not too bad for the first kart I've made," Donnie smiled. He then turned to his younger brother. "Wanna test drive it?"

"Yeah!" Mikey exclaimed. He jumped into the kart and was about to turn it on when Donnie stopped him.

"I meant outside," Donnie clarified. "I don't think you want to mess up your new ride in here. Plus, dad'll kill us if we mess up the lair."

"Oh," Mikey replied. "Yeah, let's do that."


"Dee, I cant make it stop!" Mikey shouted.

"Use the brakes!" Donnie yelled back.

"Um..." Mikey looked inside the kart. "Which ones are the brakes...?"

"And this is why we should have did a test drive," Donnie rolled his as he caught up to his younger brother. He pointed to the brakes as Mikey pressed them, making the kart come to a stop.

"Thanks," Mikey smiled.

"No probbles," Donnie replied. "Now, don't you agree we should have started with the basics?"

Mikey nodded his head. He thought that he knew what he was supposed to do when it came to driving, but clearly he still had a lot to learn. It was fine though; he had all day to get knowledge about his go-kart, and he made a mental note to read up on karts when they got home. He was gonna need all the help he could get, and he was glad Donnie already knew how to drive; since Mikey's sure he wouldn't even have been able to stop without the genius' help.

He looked at his kart again and smiled; this was gonna be fun!

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