Chapter Thirty: It's Ok To Cry

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Hey guys! Heres the angst chapter that was promised. This was requested by SilvertheTMNTfan, and I just couldnt pass it up! Another one with purple boi being sad; guess I just love to make you guys have the sad feels (*cue sinister music in the background* hehehe >:D)!

Any wizzle, hope you enjoy!

Coolkat :3


'No Mikey, you let go.'

'Oh... Okie dokie!'

He watched the box turtle fall as he began to aim the web goo at the spider lady. She landed into the vault with the door slamming shut; a smile forming on the softshell's face. He flew his bug vehicle to catch his orange brother... But he was falling too fast.

He heard him screaming his name, falling as the genius tried to fly down fast enough. He tried to catch him, but he was falling too fast and the ground was coming closer and closer and~

He woke up in a cold sweat; startled by his nightmare. He had been having the same one for weeks now, and he hated it. The way it would end would change every night, but it had two frequent outcomes. Mikey would either get captured by Big Mama, or he would fall to his death. He thought that he was past this, but it seemed like his brain had other things in mind.

Why...why did he tell his younger brother to let go? Yeah, he ended up catching him in the end but...what if he hadn't? What if he miscalculated; but he could never do that, he was a genius...right?

Big Mama was a huge threat to the turtle brothers (even if the purple masked turtle didn't want to admit it), and she could have grabbed Mikey if she really wanted to. If Donnie hadn't shot the web goo at her with the right angle and momentum, she would have gotten the box turtle with one swoop. In seconds, Mikey would be in her grasp; or worse, in seconds, he could have died.

Donnie sat up in his bed with his knees up. He hugged them as he tried to make the thoughts go away so he wouldn't be up for so long, but he knew it wouldn't work. He sighed a shaky breath as he stared at the wall, trying to make his breathing be a little normal.

It was far easier than the last time he had this nightmare. One time he couldn't breath for three minutes; making the softshell think he would hypervenalate too much and pass out.

He was supposed to be the genius of the family; to calculate angles and plans easily. But...this one had seemed so simple; he didn't think about the possible consequences. One wrong move and his brother was taken from him... One wrong moved and his brother was too far for him to catch... One wrong move... And his brother was gone.

He...he was scared. Of what, he didn't exactly know. But his younger brother was so close to being in the arms of "Ms. Fiddly Boo" that he wondered if she could reach him. Mikey could have also fallen faster; making Donnie not be able to catch him in time. Why did he tell his brother to let go? Why did he tell his brother to fall? Why did he tell him to let go?

He sighed again as his breath slowly returned to normal; his lungs no longer aching as they tried to get air into them. He slowly got out of bed and walked out of his room; hoping that coffee would make him feel better.

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