Chapter Thirteen: Family Game Night

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"We played Monopoly last time," Leo said to his younger brother.

"Yeah, and I don't really want to play again," Raph said. "After Leo and Donnie cheated last time."

"You have no proof of that," Donnie replied. "You just thought we cheated because we won."

"But there's no way that you got all that money that fast," Raph shot back. "Like, how do you just earn 1000 dollars every five minutes?!"

Donnie just shrugged his shoulders. "By property I guess,"

"You did keep landing on our property Raph," Leo told his snapping turtle of a brother.

The four turtle brothers wanted to set up a game night after having such a great time after the sleepover at April's place. Though they couldn't really decide what game to play, and April was already on her way over to the lair. But at the rate the guys were going at, they wouldn't be able to get a game ready in time.

"Guys, if we don't agree on a game, we won't be able to set up before April comes," Mikey whined.

"Then what do you guys want to play?" Raph asked.

"We're not going through this again," Donnie said. "We literally argued for ten minutes why we shouldn't play Mario Kart, and I don't want to hear that argument again."

"Ok, but to be fair though," Leo started. "Mikey always wins..."

"Just because I know how to play doesn't mean I hacked the game though," the box turtle replied.

"Hey guy!" the turtles heard a voice say. They turned around and saw that their friend April was in the entryway. "What game are we playing tonight?"

"We don't exactly know," Raph said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "We've been trying to figure it out for the past few minutes..."

"Oh," April said as she sat near them on the couch. "Well, how about Mario Kart?"

"We are not playing Mario Kart!" the twins said in unison.

"Mikey always wins," Leo said.

"And we just had an argument about it," Donnie replied. "Also, I'm not trying to play Mario Kart and hear Leo fight with Mikey for the eighteenth time."

"Ok, sorry I asked..." April said with a shrug. "So what are we gonna do?"

"How about Wii Party?" Mikey asked. "We haven't played that in a while."

The turtles and their friend thought about that for a while.

"You do have a point, Michael," Donnie said.

"I could go for Wii party," Leo said with a grin.

"Alright then," Raph said with a smile. "I'll set up the Wii."


The group of friends had just started on Wii Party, and things were already going downhill. Raph had landed in the volcano for the fifth time, and he was starting to get aggravated.

"Are you kidding me?!" he yelled. "How do I keep getting stuck in the volcano?"

"You aren't rolling the dice right," Leo said as he started his turn again. "You have to shake them hard enough to get a high roll, and you aren't exactly doing that..."

"I'm just trying to make sure I don't roll a three," Raph said as he shook his head. "But somehow, I always get a three."

"You did say three was your lucky number," Mikey shrugged. "But I guess today isn't your day."

As Leo finished up his turn, he landed on a space for a minigame. He smiled as they were put into teams for the one vs four minigame; Donnie, April, Raph, and Mikey were on their own team, while Leo had to go up against them.

"Yes," Leo said. "I love the one v. four games."

"Hide and Peek," Donnie said as he read the rules on the screen. "Shouldn't be too hard."

"Yeah," Mikey smiled. "We should be able to win if we all don't pick the same spot."

"And if Leo doesn't look at the screen," April said as she glanced at her slider of a friend.

"I won't," Leo said as he clicked on the play button to start the minigame. "I promise."

The timer started on the screen as the team of four picked their places to hide. One the fifteen seconds were up, Leo was able to start looking. He looked behind the see-saw first and found Raph in response.

"Seriously?" Raph said as his Mii walked sadly off-screen. "Why do you always find me first?!"

"I don't know," Leo shrugged. "I just know I guess."

The next place Leo checked was the boat. When he looked inside, he found an empty boat. He raised a non-existing eyebrow and checked the slide, smiling when he found not one, but two people hiding there.

"Ah hah," he said as he saw Donnie and April's Mii's shocked faces. "Found ya,"

"Dang it," Donnie said with a huff. He turned to April. "Why'd you hide in the same place as me?"

"Cause I didn't think you would be there," April replied.

"Now the only person I have left to find is Mikey," Leo voiced.

"You're not gonna find me in time," Mikey said with a grin. "You only have twenty seconds left."

"We'll see about that," Leo said as his character ran around the screen. He checked every place he thought Mikey was, but he had no luck. He was down to five seconds, and he checked inside the play tube, and when he found no one, he sighed in defeat. The game ended with the team of four winning, them shouting happily in response.

"Where even were you Mikey?" Leo questioned his box turtle brother.

"Behind the statue," Mikey said. "I honestly thought you would choose that first since that was where I hid last time."

The game went back to the screen where everyone was on their places to roll, but the order had now changed to have Mikey in the lead. The group played on for the rest of the hour, and the winner of the game turned out to be April.

"Yes!" she cheered. "It's been a while since I've won this game."

"And if it weren't for the stupid ufo dice you got, I would've won," Donnie grumbled. "I literally had one space left."

"Well Donnie, we can't all be winners," Leo said as he put his hand on his twin's shoulder. Donnie glared at him, making Leo remove his hand as quickly as he put it on.

"You're one to talk," he told his blue masked brother. "In case you haven't noticed, I got hit with that dice three times, and one of those times it was because of you."

"I said I didn't mean too," Leo replied. "I honestly wanted it to land on April so that she would get put back. I was rooting for you, dude."

"We can always play again if you want Dee," Mikey said as he shook his Wii remote to persuade his brother. "Then you can get them back."

Donnie sat for a while, but soon a slight grin appeared on his face.

"You know what, sure," he replied. "You two are going down."

"I said I was sorry!" Leo told him again. "Don't go after me for doing it on accident!"

"I don't think he's gonna forgive you, Leo," Raph chuckled. "He seems pretty set on his decision."

Donnie glared at his twin again, but this time with death in his eyes. Leo looked at the Tv screen and whimpered; not just scared to lose the game, but scared for his life.

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