Chapter Twenty-Eight: Room Renovations

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Why pizza supreme in the sky? Why did you test him like this?

It was early in the morning; precisely one twenty-four a.m., and the softshell was wide awake. Usually, this would mean that he was pulling another all-nighter again, or he would be up scrolling endlessly though his phone as he tried to go back to sleep.

But none of those things were why the softshell was up. Nope; the thing was, he had just recently became the Lair Games champion, something he had wanted for a while now. The grand prize was up for grabs, and it just so happened to be Leo's room. Since Donnie was claimed the victor, he had himself a new room to stay in.

He had to admit, Leo's old room was nice. It was bigger that Donnie's, it was quiet in the daytime, and it was closer to the lab.

The thing is, there always had to be a bump in the road. In a way, it was like not reading the fine print on a contract. Actually, it was exactly like not reading the fine print on a contract!

He had to be cocky, didn't he? Donnie was so happy he'd won that he didn't think to check the room before nighttime. There was a vent above the bed, and low and behold, it just so happened to connect to Splinter's room. Since Splinter was a loud sleeper, Donnie had been awake from his snoring almost every night this week.

Four nights to be exact. He hated being tricked by his brothers, especially Leo. But he couldn't switch back now. He was the Lair Games champion; though he was pretty sure Leo had already known about him not sleeping (the first day he asked the softshell how he slept through the night).

He wanted to install sound proof foam inside the vent so bad, but he had to be strong. He couldn't show Leo that he was giving up, the slider would only think the situation was way funnier that what it already was. Though Donnie would never admit it, he had to say that this was a pretty thought out plan. He would have never expected something like this from Leo.

Donnie sighed and reached around for his phone on his side table; scrolling though it endlessly. He knew he wasn't gonna get sleep tonight, so he could at least past the time by doing something that he liked, even if it was just scrolling through the internet.


He stayed up until nine o'clock in the morning feeling drowsy, but that had become normal. He always made himself coffee to wake him up, but now he started to drink just regular coffee. If he were to go back to drinking black; in which his brothers knew he drank when he was tired, they would know that he didn't sleep last night.

He got out of bed and stretched, grabbing his phone as he did so. He walked to the kitchen and started up the coffeemaker; surprised and a bit relived to see that no one was in the kitchen. He decided to just have coffee for breakfast, so once he put the water in the coffeemaker he sat at the table and scrolled through his phone.

About ten minutes later, each one of his turtle brothers started to flow into the room; Leo being first (figures), followed by Raph and Mikey. Mikey waved tiredly to Donnie as he sat down, but Raph stood up for a couple of seconds before he spoke.

"Trouble sleeping, Don?" He asked.

"Yeah, how'd you sleep?" Leo asked with a grin as he sat down beside the genius.

"I slept well actually," Donnie said as he grabbed his coffee mug from the machine. He had to lie to get them off his back, especially Leo.

"Oh," Raph responded as he finally moved to go and get a drink. "I was just wondering why you were up before us."

"I honestly thought you guys were up," Donnie replied. "But I woke up about ten minutes ago."

The room fell silence as everyone got up and moved to get something to eat or drink and Donnie began to look on his phone again. They sat back down and began to eat; Leo starting up another conversation as he saw Donnie drink his coffee.

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