Chapter Thirty-Eight: Nightly Errands (Steampunk AU)

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The streets of New York were quiet at this time of night. The streetlamps flickered on as the sky faded black, sparkling with a litter of stars. Not many people wandered out this late; some were sleeping away in their homes and others just didn't like to walk in the dark. They didn't know what could sneak upon them, and who could blame them? New York was known for many people, and some could be pickpockets.

But the lack of people made it better to go out at night.

The mutants that walked around the streets during the day tended to be kind. Since it was normal for someone to get mutated or to see a mutant/ yokai, no one was fazed by it anymore. It became an everyday thing to see mutants walking around, and since most were nice they tended to help the humans.

Some came out at night to make it easier for themselves.

Just like what these two mutants were doing.

"Donald, hurry up!" Called the slider. Dressed in a black vest, black pants, and a white collared shirt, Leo stood impatiently waiting for his twin brother. Wearing a blue mask over his eyes helped to show the stripes that lined his face. The red seemed to glow in the night, making the blue masked turtle more noticeable.

He wasn't good at waiting though, and it didn't help that his brother was currently walking slow.

"I don't wanna wait ten years for you to get over here!"

"Will you calm down?" The softshell groaned. He was dressed in a black suit and holding onto a walking cane. Since he had a purple mask, he tended to blend in more with the night, something that he knew Leo hated.

Unlike his slider of a brother, he liked to wear boots, which made it a lot harder for him to walk faster.

"You're going to wake people up with all that noise."

"They know about mutants anyway," Leo replied. "Why couldn't we do this in the daytime? It's cold out here!"

"The point of a nightly routine is to do this at night," Donnie answered. "I don't know why you're so worried about it, we've done this multiple times."

"Because I'm cold!" Leo whined. "It's never this cold out."

"I told you to bring a coat, but you never listen," Donnie sighed. "Now come on, we have places to be."

With a huff, Leo began to trudge behind his older brother. These nightly errand runs had become a routine to them, but the slider would never forget how cold it could be.

The click of Donnie's boots and cane could be heard as the two began to walk towards their destination, making it harder for them to walk around quietly. The people didn't mind though; they were either fast asleep or didn't care.

Walking around at night was their best bet anyway since their dad wouldn't know they were gone.

"What if Draxum finds out?" Leo asked suddenly. "He'll kill us if he knew what we're up to."

"Don't worry about it," Donnie replied. "We've done this enough to know what we're doing."

"What if the gargoyles snitch on us?" Leo questioned.

"Oh trust me," Donnie smirked. "They aren't gonna be talking for a while."

"What does that mean?" Leo asked as he walked closer to his twin.

"You'll see," was all the softshell said. "Now come on, we have to get to the store before they close."

As the two turtles approached the small grocery store, more people could be spotted. This part of the city seemed to be awake during any part of the day, and at night especially.

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