Chapter Twenty-Two: Solo Game Time

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The apartment was quiet.

Just the way that April liked it. She was fast asleep in her bed, dreaming peacefully. Nothing interrupted her sleep schedule, and she loved it that way. School and the numerous amounts of jobs she had to go through took it out of her, not to mention the many fights she went on with her turtle friends. She loved them all, but her back didn't exactly like the idea of fighting almost every day. 

Suddenly her phone went off, sending her out of her peaceful dream. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms to try and get her body awake. Curious and frustrated, she checked her phone to see what had made her wake up. She saw the notification from her text messages and read that it was from Donnie.

Purple Guy: Hey, we're going out to patrol the city before the people of New York wake up. Wanna come?

April groaned as she checked the time on her phone; 6:50 a.m. She sighed as she shook her head.

"Seriously, guys?" she mumbled to herself. "It's one thing to wake me up, but you did it to go check the city early in the morning?!"

She sighed again as she answered her purple friend.

Autoparts O'neil: uh no. its too early in the morning, im not even awake yet

Purple Guy: You're texting me right now. I'd call that being awake.

Autoparts O'neil: you know what i mean

Purple Guy: So, I'll take that as a no?

Autoparts O'neil: yeah that's a no! im going back to sleep

Purple Guy: Suit yourself.

April laid her phone back on her desk and sighed. She couldn't go back to sleep now, her whole sleep mojo was thrown off. She got out of her bed and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. She saw a piece of paper on the counter and read that it was from her mom.

Your father and I had to start our shift early, so we won't be seeing you until late. Make sure you take out the trash later today.



April put the note back on the counter and groaned. She should have known that her parents were gonna be out early again. They have been having a lot of work propositions lately, and she hasn't been seeing them a lot in person. If she really missed them, she'd FaceTime them, but they sometimes couldn't even do that since they were so busy.

She decided to eat a pop-tart since she wasn't in the mood for a big breakfast. She also didn't want to clean any dishes, and pop-tarts didn't have that much of a mess. Once she finished up with her own breakfast, April went to go and give her little pet Mayhem some food. Mayhem wasn't a picky eater, but April didn't know what he should be eating since he wasn't a normal pet. So she normally just gave him whatever she had to eat the night before, and he chowed down to food in seconds.

She got out the little plate of leftover lasagna from the night before and placed it in Mayhem's food bowl. Seconds later, the little fuzzball appeared and began to eat his food.

"Looks like someone's hungry," April smiled. She walked back into her room and opened up her laptop. A couple days ago, she had to get Donnie to come and fix it because it kept overheating. He had fixed it in seconds, and April still didn't understand how the softshell could work so fast. Now the laptop worked as quick as she wanted it to, and April couldn't be more thankful.

She had a lot of alone time on her hands, so she opened up her favorite action-packed computer game and started playing. Mayhem soon teleported beside her and watched, occasionally jumping when April screamed angrily at the screen. 

"It's ok, boy," she said as she petted the yokai. "I just lost the level is all, nothing to be worried about." 

The levels had been pretty tricky at the moment. She had to defeat this moon looking character to get it's contract so that she could continue, but she just couldn't do it. She would get inches away from the checkpoint, but she would die before her character could unlock it. She groaned in defeat as she lost again and again, and she had begun to wonder if she should have taken that offer of patrolling the city.

"This game might slowly be driving me insane," she mumbled. "But I know my back is pretty happy that I'm not going out."

She kept playing her game, finally beating the level and getting the moon's contract. She cheered as her character progressed, Mayhem wagging his tall along with April's happiness. April loved the look of the game; it was designed by the cartoons from the 1930s, and it had a nice feeling to it. Sure, playing as a cup or a mug was a little weird, but she's played weirder games (and she's definitely seen weirder stuff in the city of New York). April would love to play with her guy friends, but there were only two players, so they would have to trade off every five minutes, and the guys weren't exactly good at sharing. Besides, she liked playing by herself and defeating the villains in the game as she progressed. It was a great time killer, and that was something she needed at the moment.

After she had defeated three more of the villains and gotten their contracts, she decided to take a break and text Donnie to see how their patrol was going.

Autoparts O'neil: is the city all safe and sound?

Purple Guy: Yep. No new mutants from what we saw.

Autoparts O'neil: thats good

Purple Guy: Yeah. You should have come though, Leo almost fell off a building as we were jumping off rooftops.

Autoparts O'neil: oh my god! is he ok?!

Purple Guy: Yeah, he's fine. It was kinda funny though, you should have seen his face.

Autoparts O'neil: you're a monster...

Purple Guy: I took pictures to commoderate the moment. I know you're curious.

Autoparts O'neil: yeah i am... send them later

Purple Guy: Will do. Also, Mikey says hi.

Autoparts O'neil: lol, tell him i say hi back. also, you guys wanna do pizza night tonight?

Purple Guy: Sure. I'm sure the others will want to as well. Usual time?

Autoparts O'neil: you know it!

Purple Guy: Noted. See you later.

Autoparts O'neil: bye

April chuckled as she set her phone back down on the desk. Pizza night was a great thing to do on a day like this, and it would get her mind off of other things; like work. She didn't want to think about the job she had just been fired from since she wasn't able to make it on time for the past three days (there were a lot of mutants around the city, and what do you say to your boss when they ask where you've been?). She was honestly thinking about getting an online job that way she could hang out more with her friends, but she did like the experience of an outdoor job. It was something to keep in mind, but she would think about it another time. Right now, she was busy fighting enemies for contracts, and she had to concentrate if she didn't want to lose this time.

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