Chapter Twenty: Tickle Fest

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He'd done it.

He had finally created the perfect attachment for his battle shell. This one was meant to give his real shell a deep cleansing, in which the softshell had needed for quite some time now.

The new battle shell had a compartment for where you put the cleaning solution (a mixture of water and soap), and it had robotic arms with sponges and cleaning brushes on the end of them. To activate the battle shell, he just needed to press a button on a remote he created. He would have put it on his wrist remote, but there were already so many things attached to it, and he didn't want everything to activate with it. So he settled for a remote with a red on and off button; which also had a speed dial attached to make it work faster or slower, and made sure to hide it so that none of his other brothers would see (they could be so curious and touchy sometimes).

Donnie smiled at his new creation, and he decided to test it out. He had to make sure it worked someday, and now felt like the perfect time. He poured in the water and soap into the little compartment and put on the battle shell. Thanks to the sizing, it had fit perfectly to his real shell, but that was no surprise. Donnie always made sure to triple check his calculations so that he would get the best results.

He grabbed the remote from his desk and pressed the on button. At first, it seemed like the machine wasn't working. Donnie groaned as he pressed the button three more times, and he soon heard a soft whirling sound coming from the battle shell. The only problem was, nothing was happening.

"That can't be good," Donnie sighed. He was about to turn off the battle shell when the machine started to work. But the cleaning solution hadn't come out; the only things that were working were the robotic arms, and they were moving pretty fast on the softshell's back.

"Ah!" Donnie screamed. He then started to giggle. Unfortunate for him, he was very ticklish, and the new battle shell was indeed tickling him. He tried to get the remote back since he dropped it when the process started, but it had fallen towards the opposite side of the lab.

Donnie's giggles turned into full on laughing, and he covered his mouth so that he wasn't too loud. He didn't know what his other brothers would do if they found him like this, and since he was laughing so hard it would be difficult to explain what was going on.

He tried to pry off the battle shell, but it wouldn't budge. The only way that it could be removed was if he turned it off first, and he couldn't exactly do that right now.

Ok, he thought to himself. I just have to stop laughing for five seconds, and then I can get the remote-

"What are you doing, Donnie?" He heard Mikey say with a chuckle.

Great... Donnie mentally groaned. That's the last thing I need right now.

"What's so funny?" Mikey asked with a smile. He saw the remote on the floor and because of his curiosity, he pressed the off button. The battle shell turned off with a whirl, and Donnie knelled down to the floor, thankful that he could breathe again.

"For one I'm... Glad that you guys are so... Curious," Donnie said as he tried to collect his breath.

"What does the remote connect to?" Mikey asked as he walked over to his older purple brother.

"A battle shell," Donnie answered as he removed the new battle shell from his back. He went over to his desk and grabbed his original one, putting it on quickly. "It's supposed to clean my real shell, but it doesn't exactly work just yet."

"Oh," Mikey replied. "So you had a tickle fest with your battle shell?"

"You could say that," Donnie replied. He looked at Mikey and saw the smile slowly appearing on his face. "Don't you dare get any ideas! I'm not putting the battle shell back on just so you can see me suffer."

"I think I can do it without the battle shell," Mikey grinned. He walked towards Donnie slowly, and Donnie walked away facing the box turtle.

"Michael, I swear," he said with scowl. "Don't you dare- Ah!"

Mikey pounced on Donnie and tackled him to the floor, tickling him in the process. The genius began to laugh again, Mikey smiling as he did so.

"Stop!" Donnie said through his laughs.

"Nah, I think I'm enjoying this," Mikey smirked. "Plus I haven't see you laugh like this in a while!"

"Forced laughing... Isn't the same... As laugh-ah!" Donnie tried to say, but Mikey kept tickling. He was going pretty fast too, almost as fast as the battle shell could go. Mikey smiled one last time before he stopped. Donnie got up from the ground with large breaths, and he glared at the box turtle.

"Oh, its on, Angelo!" He said as he ran towards box turtle.

"No wait!" Mikey screamed as he ran the other way. "It was just a joke- Ah!"

Donnie tackled him to the ground and tickled him. Mikey started laughing instantly, his eyes filling up with tears of laughter.

"Donnie stop!" He yelled though giggles.

"I would love to," Donnie smiled. "But I think that my hands are stuck, so I can't exactly do that."

"No they aren't!" Mikey laughed. "Dude... I'm gonna pass out... From all the laughing!"

"I think that's a risk I'm willing to take," Donnie chuckled. But just to be safe, he stopped tickling his orange brother.

"Ohmigosh," Mikey said as he stood up. "I can't... Breathe."

"Now you know how I feel," Donnie grinned. "I had to go through that twice versus you going though it once."

"Well, I'm never tickling you again," Mikey replied. "Cause your tickles are deadly."

"I don't think you're gonna stick to those words," Donnie smiled. "Cause I might just tickle you again."

Mikey looked at Donnie and started to grin.

"Not if I tickle you first!" He said as he ran towards the softshell. Donnie laughed as he ran in the opposite way, making sure to sneak in a couple of tickles to Mikey as he did.

Sure, Donnie hated being tickled. But he could always make one exception for his little brother.

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